Streetsville Sunday Rides

:pSaturday riding......
once this rain drys up...lets meetup at babows for an afternoon ride...then back to his place for a bbq...then set out for a nite ride into downtown / whatever.

Hopefully we can head out before 8 this time and get back before 4am so we can be ready for the sunday ride!!
Anyone needing directions to babows should pm/txt him or myself.

Post up so we can get an idea of who's wanting to do what ...if not I'm eating all the lobster and steak!:)
A little of the PS3, a boot, and a bite?

Sounds pretty good to me. Just waiting out the storm.
ok so....looks the mother nature and her cleansing rain has stopped!!:)

lets meet at Babows for 4 ish...then quick twisty ride...then bbq for around 6 ish..
gap videos..and then nite ride!!
Ahhh ....more good times eh??
Great turnout with great peeps!!

Special thanks to Babow for hosting us and putting on a fabulous BBQ!!:p He is truly a Master Chef !!...(Maxspeed was also doing a fantastic job!!!)

I'm glad we headed over to the was great to see some friends over there and look forward to seeing them and others at RFS!!:)

The pics infront of the downtown skyline will be awesome....Babette has to share those with ones will be as Babow says with the sunsetting over the downtown skyline.
Never did see a_rob...did he hit up the drink show ???...or the sex show???:rolleyes:

See ya all in the am at Babows and Babettes place for 10am (no streetsville meet due to the rds being shutdown for bread and honey festival)...

Think I heard something about steaks with eggs benedict for breakfast...hehehe;)
Babs here, the pics are horrible! You'll see in the morning, I tried. Guess you need to get wobblycat to come take them. :) But on a bright note... Meghan sent me a message saying I won the 50/50 and a prize after we left! WooHoo!!! Crazyness.
wow sorry I had to miss all that!!! sounds like you guys had a blast and a half! this morning at Babows house or the Tims nearby? same time 10?
Dame my bike won't start on a beautiful day and I missed a group ride, anyway I bring her back to life, hope the problem fix
Dame my bike won't start on a beautiful day and I missed a group ride, anyway I bring her back to life, hope the problem fix

Ahh we missed ya today Maxspeed.

We had another fantastic ride which all started with some more excellent hospitality provided by Babow and Babette (Babs). Thanks to you to both for taking care of the riders while Streetsville has their festivities going on this weekend.

Good thing ATTS stopped by the Streetsville Timmies, to pick up those not reading the thread, and haul him out to Babows ( not mentioning any names....);)

A bit of a slow start as one was still sleeping:( at meet time but, once we got goin all was good! Weather in the mountains was awesome today....beautiful blue skies and not too warm for riding.

Oh ya....nice to see some wife swapping too!!!...hehehehe:)
Ahh we missed ya today Maxspeed.

We had another fantastic ride which all started with some more excellent hospitality provided by Babow and Babette (Babs). Thanks to you to both for taking care of the riders while Streetsville has their festivities going on this weekend.

Good thing ATTS stopped by the Streetsville Timmies, to pick up those not reading the thread, and haul him out to Babows ( not mentioning any names....);)

A bit of a slow start as one was still sleeping:( at meet time but, once we got goin all was good! Weather in the mountains was awesome today....beautiful blue skies and not too warm for riding.

Oh ya....nice to see some wife swapping too!!!...hehehehe:)

Was good to see you guys....TWICE. lol
good ride today, too bad i was still asleep for most of the day.

thanks to babow and babs for the hospitality.
I was so piss off in the morning when I got ready for a ride, jumped on my bike and it wouldn't start. Sound like you guy have a wonderful ride, I like that route
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