Streetsville Sunday Rides

The second group had a good ride too, guess I missed you all by a few minutes.

Thanks for leading, whatever-your-forum-name is-person.

No problem.

lol Our ride is so great we have two of them.
Wasn't really a second group, I didn't think I would be out of bed in time for this but got up a little earlier than expected and figured I would try and make it. I was late but the two of us went for a couple hour spin.

Hopefully I will make it out to a couple Sunday rides because I am back in Streetsville for a few months.
Weather man forecast this weekend: Saturday sunny, 15+ degree 10%, Sunday 20+ degree 60% wow, but it rains, I hope the weather man wrong on Sunday forecast. So Streetville Sunday rides or Streetville Saturday rides, lol
i have to work saturday and i am going to the bike show sunday. two nicest days of the year and i cant ride. if i am lucky it will rain sunday so i wont feel as bad.
I plan to go to the bike show on Saturday, and ride on Sunday, but I may change my plan due to the weather, what time you'll go to the bike show twostroke? r u ride or drive?
So, what is plan? Malton 11? Streetsville Noon? Both?
You spent money on gas today? lol So it's not worth it to go to the show?

Great day to ride today. Lots of bikers out, cars too. Slow traffics at times.
I had a blast, kinda makes me think moving to Oakville or Burlington might not be so bad.
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