Streetsville Sunday Rides

church iam in
Aye, permission slip free!
Should also cut down on the "You cant go riding, you never come to church with me!" speeches as well *grins*
Sunday is for riding! (Although i may have had a quick word with god when i took that unexpected swim)

Bring on the warm weather!!


Sunday morning for little_bandit:
7 AM Post bail
8 AM Detox
9 AM Church
10 AM Ride

Red, Rick, I don't see you guys on Face: "Streetsville Sunday Rides"

There's a season meet posted by another group:
Season Meet -
Location: Coras's 2455, Appleby Line -Burlington- L7R 3X4 (Dundas and Appleby)
Time: ‎11:00AM Sunday, March 6th

****, my bike is still in storage.
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the streetsville sunday ride page on face book seems to be for a person. might be better if it was a group page. that way we can share photos and what not.

this saturday is the winter blues party at cutekill, seems like a few of us are going to that.

I was told i am never alowed in a church again... long story.
the streetsville sunday ride page on face book seems to be for a person. might be better if it was a group page. that way we can share photos and what not.

this saturday is the winter blues party at cutekill, seems like a few of us are going to that.

I was told i am never alowed in a church again... long story.

I'd like to be the moderator of the Streetsville Sunday Rides profile for now (21 friends and counting). I've created a group within the profile that I can add select people to and where "the good stuff" can be posted. Let me know if you want to be part of this? I can designate a group admin. Maybe we can vote on this?

Feel free to post the "G-rated" stuff to the wall or I'll upload directly to the "Photos" section. Send me a PM.

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gtam is the first place im checking. fb might be a good place for everyone to dump their pics though.
Personally...I've been finding gtam to work for communicating between/with other riders...
Of course theres always, the phone, fax, email, txt, ...not to mention ..smoke signals and hand signs!
Jus sayin.
Personally...I've been finding gtam to work for communicating between/with other riders...
Of course theres always, the phone, fax, email, txt, ...not to mention ..smoke signals and hand signs!
Jus sayin.

Sound good Red. Whatever floats your boat, man ;-)

I wouldn't mind seeing some of those pics from last year's rides. If you have them posted online somewhere, please forward via PM, or you're welcome to post them to the FB group.
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N3WMAN >> Or... we could just use GTAM like we always have...

Do it the way that works best for you, N3. FB has some cool features not on GTAM. Many workplaces block FB access, but not GTAM. So, hard to get to during the day, at least from desktop browsers.
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Hey guys I thought I remember someone saying they use a house rental down near the Gap. Forgot who it was. Can you shoot me an email / pm with the contact details on that ? Going to try to make it down there for a gap ride this year. Thanks.
Hey guys I thought I remember someone saying they use a house rental down near the Gap. Forgot who it was. Can you shoot me an email / pm with the contact details on that ? Going to try to make it down there for a gap ride this year. Thanks.
omnivore. This section (in normal treads).
"EPIC"................this word can NO longer be used alone, must have "TIGERBLOOD" together

its all over the news........

we all rock skills & "Tigerblood" dude..............all our rides ARE "EPIC"
then we use our worldly brains to make "EPIC" posts

thanks Charlie Sheen for ruining 1 word

Sound good Red. Whatever floats your boat, man ;-)

I wouldn't mind seeing some of those pics from last year's rides. If you have them posted online somewhere, please forward via PM, or you're welcome to post them to the FB group.

I'll send ya a pm with some access to some of my pics.
X-rated have been deleted by photobucket but theres still some others there.
Too bad you didn't join us at some of the party's cause the hosts, often have huge a screen. At one of them we all brought pics , via thumb stick /junk drive/ cds
The pics / videos are always great for a laugh / entertainment :p

Something tells me this next season will have a lot more of pics and party's;)
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