ride in march dam should of picked up this one instead of r1

ride in march dam should of picked up this one instead of r1
Unique machine built for Paramont Pictures in the 1960's as a proto type / promotion for the "Star Trek" tv series / movies. Has won a few car showes in the last 2yrs. Before that it was in a museum on display for 15yrs. This body is made up of fiberglass.The car has all the nessesarry lights to make it road legal including defrost fan designed and built in it. It is a 3 wheel configuration 1 in the front and 2 in the back. It is tandem seating 2 passanger. This is a great attention Grabber! You drive this and EVERYBODY STOPS and LOOKS!!
We are asking $8,500.00 O.B.O.
Definately in for Friday the 13th. Hopefully Bandit won't get scared off by the women this time.
Don't forget to bring your permission slip so we can sign it for you.Yeah, N3, hopefully the women will be better looking this time. The women were kinda scary last time out.
I'd better ask my wife's permission to go, just to be sure and photoshop the pics afterward. ;-)
Pretty sure you don't have to be single to have fun at Port Dover but, ...I know too it'll help!
Guess you won't be needin a ..."permission slip"..hahaha
Pretty sure you don't have to be single to have fun at Port Dover but, ...I know too it'll help!
Guess you won't be needin a ..."permission slip"..hahaha
LOLAye, permission slip free!
Should also cut down on the "You cant go riding, you never come to church with me!" speeches as well *grins*
Sunday is for riding! (Although i may have had a quick word with god when i took that unexpected swim)
Bring on the warm weather!!
That's very good idea.LOL
You should have told us, we could have incorporated Sunday morning mass into the ride.
You should have told us, we could have incorporated Sunday morning mass into the ride.
That's very good idea.