Streetsville Sunday Rides

12or 14 on friday call in sick everyone

Ya they're forecasting double digits but,...rain as well (I think most of you know how I feel about that stuff!!) to work I go and will wait for warm and dry weather with clean rds.

Maybe Hexadecimal might be in for a cruise in the rain ??
Hey martin what time u leave and get home from work?
Im gonna stop by when your home and smoke up the road in front of your house :)

im on the bike to work tomorrow
I would have joined you, but alas I was stuck at work. Amazon and I were thinking of getting her bike out of storage just in case the next three days were nice.
I gave the air horn to someone who i thought was twostroke , on the 401, but,...isn't that dude on a cruise down south ??
Got out for a ride today, guys. Was a tad bit chilly, but it was nice to be riding. Will probably head out for a bit again tomorrow....hopefully. :)
Chilly??...i would say so!!
and what about that wind?...guess it was a two hander for sure today eh?
Actually, the wind wasn't that bad. I only noticed it when I was stopped at the lights and had my hands warming on the engine. The feeling in my fingers is starting to come back now. Don't tell me you're a cold wussy on top of being a rain wussy! :p
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