Streetsville Sunday Rides

Hey! I would be really interested in joining up with you folks for a ride. Is there a consensus on meet up time and what is the location ? Thanks :)

P.S i put stabilizer in the bike 2 days ago and thought that was it for this year but glad to see we have a few more good days still in the mix!
No Ducatis allowed!
Just joking of course. Streetsville. Mississauga. Timmis on Queen (North of Thomas, south of Britania). On the plaza - west side of Queen. 11 AM it is!
How long is the ride, how fast and how long on the hwy? I think you guys are a little too fast for me. I could always tag behind the tail and ditch when I can't follow anymore... If this is allowed :)
10 for meet and greet, 11 for depart?

Well a fellow can dream, I'll be cutting it close myself while getting some gloves.
How long is the ride, how fast and how long on the hwy? I think you guys are a little too fast for me. I could always tag behind the tail and ditch when I can't follow anymore... If this is allowed :)
To fast and to long for you! (And this is not allowed!)
How long is the ride, how fast and how long on the hwy? I think you guys are a little too fast for me. I could always tag behind the tail and ditch when I can't follow anymore... If this is allowed :)
I was joking again. It's going to be about 6 hours. Some hwy. involved. It's not going to be to fast (unless you ride realy slow).
i will be there for 11.

for who ever joins us please just dont up and leave without telling anyone. we feel bad when we dont come look for you when you dont show up.
Yes Ken. No problem. Thank you for asking. Excelent weather and good company makes it great fun. Now I know, why I had to slow down couple of times and wait for you - mirrored visor. Martin was it you on Britania and 6th Line around 1PM?

Mirrored visor in sun = good. Mirrored visor at night in fog = bad.

Ha Ha....wondered if ya heard my air horn!!
I seen Ken take a look back as we passed.

Sorry to say I cannot make it on Sat...ahhhh

Martin, too funny....when I looked back I'm talking to myself in my helmet - " Why is that a##-h##e blasting his f###ing horn at us! " Sorry bout that.
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