Streetsville Sunday Rides

Hi guys, anyone want to meet up and ride later at Timmi on King st & Carolina( beside Hess Village) in Hamilton, a lot of party goer at the spot.I'll be there after work around 11:30 PM on Friday

Don't think il be around that late, Am out there at McMaster University during the day though if you want to go for a short spin.
Anyone wana ride 2morrow Saturday 13 meet at the Timmies Streetville, weather forecast calls for rain on Sunday,
Thank Rob, but I can't go during the day. Ride safe

All good, after i didn't hear back i got bored, went for a long liquid lunch at the McMaster uni bar.
University women.... I considered leaving the bike here n staying at the bar!!!!
So who else is in for Sat?
Dear gents, please, not too early. 8 am is heart-breaking. 9 am is meh. 10 am is optimal.

FYI: the ridges on my rear tire are astounding. Therefore, my Lego brick of a tire and I will be representing the cruiser contingency.
That's perfect. See you.

Rick, hope you made it home safe.
Great ride today! Started in fog, then gorgeous sunshine, good route, nice roads,tested the ABS HARD!...then dark, then thick heavy fog almost like rain, could not see a thing thru that stupid mirrored visor! Great fun. I'm in for tomorrow. Looks like a repeat of today.
Rick, hope you made it home safe.
Great ride today! Started in fog, then gorgeous sunshine, good route, nice roads,tested the ABS HARD!...then dark, then thick heavy fog almost like rain, could not see a thing thru that stupid mirrored visor! Great fun. I'm in for tomorrow. Looks like a repeat of today.
Yes Ken. No problem. Thank you for asking. Excelent weather and good company makes it great fun. Now I know, why I had to slow down couple of times and wait for you - mirrored visor. Martin was it you on Britania and 6th Line around 1PM?
I wouldn't mind 11AM... It's going to be hard to get up for 10, but if everybody wants to meet at 10AM, I'm in as well.
Yes Ken. No problem. Thank you for asking. Excelent weather and good company makes it great fun. Now I know, why I had to slow down couple of times and wait for you - mirrored visor. Martin was it you on Britania and 6th Line around 1PM?

Ha Ha....wondered if ya heard my air horn!!
I seen Ken take a look back as we passed.

Sorry to say I cannot make it on Sat...ahhhh
Hey! I would be really interested in joining up with you folks for a ride. Is there a consensus on meet up time and what is the location ? Thanks :)

P.S i put stabilizer in the bike 2 days ago and thought that was it for this year but glad to see we have a few more good days still in the mix!
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