Strangers taking pics...

yeah a little too ghostly and I'd fill out that bikini top better than her

1. porcelain skin is hawt;
2. second time you've threatened to show us the moobs - go on, don't keep Foxxy waiting (she's known to get squirrely easily, and may set fire to people);
see... I'm torn... not sure if it makes me hungry or sad. I mean if she was in front of me would i wanna eat...

Wow, we have so much in common - I see that pic and it makes me want to eat her too!


We should rename this thread, strangers taLking pics
hahaha... remember what i rode into work in?

all i gotta say is rain!!!


how's that image in ur head? lol
lol you mean the little white tank top, well same u imagine that ;)
There I'm caught up! haha :D

Oh and happy to report that i made it to work safe and sound... no sigh of my stalker on the highways!! :thumbleft: lmao
You think so but look left......
FYI. I'm still looking for this gd picks. But the wet white tank is a beautiful thought

I believe those pics reside in an area of the site that non-site supporters (like you and I) cannot access (i.e. it was moved from the prying eyes of us peons so that the more elite classes here on GTAM could enjoy).
the most i've got is a honk or some stares if i'm ryding dirty in a tank top... a flash on the dvp once but no paparazzi that i've noticed... i generally don't pay much attention to people in cars beside me at lights though, unless of course its a hot woman. At that point I thrust my pelvis violently at my gas tank.
You need this bike
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Found this on my other forum

Ladysquid being creeped by a suby owner

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