
Today: made the call to go 90-95% cash for the foreseeable future. Cashing out every m/f I own, except metals.
Damn. Bold move. What made you pull that trigger now? How long do you expect to remain out? Obviously everything is subject to change I just try to understand what people are thinking to help me decide if I should change my philosophy.
Heavy in Energy? energy is the new tech good move. I am down today because I'm heavy in Banks and S&P Index funds

Up 10percent on the day again want to jump out but not sure when.

Sent using a thumb maybe
expecting an impending implosion of stocks?
It's official. Just got off the phone. I was advised not to, but it's not their money.
That dough is going into a cashable GIC at next to nothing percent, for now.
I'm feeling that funds and stocks will be pennies on the dollar in due time.
A mrkt crash? Don't count it out.
I'm simply not comfortable at all with the goings on worldwide.
I've come too far over 49 yrs of investing to possibly see it disappear overnight.
Hanging onto DIV for now, have a sell order in for all my crappy tire stock. Stuck my nuts on AMZN, so I'll take the paper hit and hold my nose.
It's official. Just got off the phone. I was advised not to, but it's not their money.
That dough is going into a cashable GIC at next to nothing percent, for now.
I'm feeling that funds and stocks will be pennies on the dollar in due time.
A mrkt crash? Don't count it out.
I'm simply not comfortable at all with the goings on worldwide.
I've come too far over 49 yrs of investing to possibly see it disappear overnight.
Hanging onto DIV for now, have a sell order in for all my crappy tire stock. Stuck my nuts on AMZN, so I'll take the paper hit and hold my nose.
Interesting take. I just put 15k into my TFSA account and waiting for the funds to clear and start you've given me second thoughts.

Mind you, I'm only planning on ENB and VGRO as the first purchase batch. I expect those to be fairly safe...not perfect...but fairly.
Interesting take. I just put 15k into my TFSA account and waiting for the funds to clear and start you've given me second thoughts.

Mind you, I'm only planning on ENB and VGRO as the first purchase batch. I expect those to be fairly safe...not perfect...but fairly.
I just threw 6k at my tfsa last week. Still in cash.
Waiting for more cheap DIV.TO, but it's not happening....yet.
ENB was given to me (like it needs to be) as a tip last week.
I sold all my 15 and 20 cent ATH.TO when it hit $1.25.
It's official. Just got off the phone. I was advised not to, but it's not their money.
That dough is going into a cashable GIC at next to nothing percent, for now.
I'm feeling that funds and stocks will be pennies on the dollar in due time.
A mrkt crash? Don't count it out.
I'm simply not comfortable at all with the goings on worldwide.
I've come too far over 49 yrs of investing to possibly see it disappear overnight.
Hanging onto DIV for now, have a sell order in for all my crappy tire stock. Stuck my nuts on AMZN, so I'll take the paper hit and hold my nose.
I have been ~75% in cash since the end of December. Just need to figure out when to get back in....
I have been ~75% in cash since the end of December. Just need to figure out when to get back in....
This is what I've been...but I'm scared to lose it! So paralysis by analysis for me.

Mind you I've got 20+ years until retirement...and my kids' RESPs have 13 years as a minimum to grow some equity.
I holding on General Dynamics, directly related to armaments , been waiting for a good scrap.

My wife likes ethical stocks , LOL , she's so cute.

@mimico , penny stocks , HMRK , its a concussion research software group a buddy owns . He wont let me invest a nickel , but its trading at pennies so you could have at it........ yeah dont LOL
Anybody got some penny stock pics they can share? I've got accounts with silly amounts $20 / 25 / 30 / 50 which won't really buy much normal stocks...but I'm ok tossing this into a gamble penny stock.

Meme stock trend kinda dead now..

I got out of most of them except for PBX (powerband solutions inc)

Edit - Also bullish on DM and GSI 🤷‍♀️
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Hoping for some kind of lspd comeback down enough to cry on that turkey should have put it in instead, but tried to diversify.

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