
Be careful with your money.
The overall feeling is starting to get like some of the motorcycle discussions here.
Do your homework or hire someone competent to do it.

Isn't GTAM competent enough to guide me in the right direction?!

I've got an appointment next week with BMO to open up a new trading account, and then it'll be some baby steps and LOTS of research (outside of GTAM!) and then we go for the big bucks!
If you start with nothing and you end up with nothing, then what's there to lose? Right!?!?
Careful is for old people.
Some of my bank stock might be older than you.
I used to work for a couple of Brokerage Dealers that were bought out by two of the Banks.
I won't tell anyone to buy something, because I might be selling it, which wouldn't be nice if I win and you lose.
I may try a dead cat bounce on Bombardier today...

edit: had to back out just before open, I got called into a 9:30 meeting, too risky to be day trading! Would have been 10% if I hit the peaks, my target was 7%...
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I may try a dead cat bounce on Bombardier today...

edit: had to back out just before open, I got called into a 9:30 meeting, too risky to be day trading! Would have been 10% if I hit the peaks, my target was 7%...

I p1ssed away quite a bit on BBD in the last 2 wks. Hopefully my grandkids will see a return.
I'm looking into cruise and old people entertainment company stocks. Health-care and drugs will go up, but this generation of retiring old people have a crap ton of money. They don't care about leaving anything for their kids and just want to party. My parents blew 12k on cruises last year.
What happened to $GENE this week? A lot of cryptic chatter about it on the Twitters.

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I'm looking into cruise and old people entertainment company stocks. My parents blew 12k on cruises last year.

The best time to dive into cruise company stock is after mayhem.
If hundreds of passengers on a ship get sick & die, stock price plummets = time to buy.
Same when one sinks, or worse. Stock plummets = time to buy.
If you have old people in mind, don't forget about funeral home operators.
Yeah I'm seriously looking at carnivale as a long term buy. They are still a good value. They will recover over time.

I'm against funeral homes especially Canadian ones. I'm looking more towards entertainment for old folks. I think that and health care for them will be big over next 10 years.

My portfolio is at all time high tonight thanks to Greece and US equities rising. I started this last year June and am up 28.3% by being conservative. I'm happy not being aggressive and greedy. Self control thank you very much!

The best time to dive into cruise company stock is after mayhem.
If hundreds of passengers on a ship get sick & die, stock price plummets = time to buy.
Same when one sinks, or worse. Stock plummets = time to buy.
If you have old people in mind, don't forget about funeral home operators.
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Yeah I'm seriously looking at carnivale as a long term buy. They are still a good value. They will recover over time.

I'm against funeral homes especially Canadian ones. I'm looking more towards entertainment for old folks. I think that and health care for them will be big over next 10 years.

My portfolio is at all time high tonight thanks to Greece and US equities rising. I started this last year June and am up 28.3% by being conservative. I'm happy not being aggressive and greedy. Self control thank you very much!
You should run a GTAM hedge fund
20 odd years ago, someone told me to invest in retirement homes. I didn't. Kick myself everytime I hear someone else's parents are going there and paying $4k/month for care.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk
20 odd years ago, someone told me to invest in retirement homes. I didn't. Kick myself everytime I hear someone else's parents are going there and paying $4k/month for care.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 625 Windows Phone using Tapatalk

Just be careful with those now. People are investing like crazy into building up as many as possible. Soon they will be fighting each other, undercutting etc... I think a large number are suppose to go up over the next 5 years.

Reminds me of this story. :)

Suicidal Man Finds Will To Live After Hookers And Cocaine In Mexico via @EliteDaily

That's awesome! You should post that up at the depression clinics lol
Just be careful with those now. People are investing like crazy into building up as many as possible. Soon they will be fighting each other, undercutting etc... I think a large number are suppose to go up over the next 5 years.

Yeah, I think I have missed the boat on that one....may still be some opportunities in the larger companies. But any new one is more of a gamble imo.
So many things I wish my 20 year old self would have done differently. Those retirement companies, the $80k houses in Brampton, gold, that blonde at O'Tooles..sorry! Lost in thought! :p
Yeah, I think I have missed the boat on that one....may still be some opportunities in the larger companies. But any new one is more of a gamble imo.
So many things I wish my 20 year old self would have done differently. Those retirement companies, the $80k houses in Brampton, gold, that blonde at O'Tooles..sorry! Lost in thought! :p

Hahaha O'Tooles, JJ Mugs... Blast from the past old skool watering holes. Back when I was getting carded at the door with my fake ID that I bought from Chinatown. LOL
Brian P should be doing it. I will blow all your money on hookers and blow

Ha ha. Not a chance. I'll mismanage my own portfolio, but I don't want to be responsible for mismanaging anyone else's!

Just be careful with those now. People are investing like crazy into building up as many as possible. Soon they will be fighting each other, undercutting etc... I think a large number are suppose to go up over the next 5 years.

Just to add some colour to this ... My dad moved between three different retirement homes in the K-W area. The last one was a new construction and he moved in a couple of years ago, and at last check, they were still nowhere near filling up. I owned some Chartwell for a short while a few years back, but got out (too soon) - and part of the reason for getting out related to what I saw, and what my dad went through, after Chartwell bought out what had been a good place for him to stay, a few years ago. Big corporation comes in, so does the cost-cutting, quality of life for the residents came second, no thanks, dad is out, and I'm out.
How much did you invest into that. Looks interesting I'm looking at it now

Did you look into Oil Inventory Announcements? (it's weekly)
Lately, making money is almost too easy, going into the weekend short Oil.
Reserves are massive. Output hasn't stalled.

More easy tfsa money:
In HOD @ $10.45 Friday.
Out HOD @ 11. 65 Today.
+$2000.00. Two day trade. :)
Did you look into Oil Inventory Announcements? (it's weekly)
Lately, making money is almost too easy, going into the weekend short Oil.
Reserves are massive. Output hasn't stalled.

More easy tfsa money:
In HOD @ $10.45 Friday.
Out HOD @ 11. 65 Today.
+$2000.00. Two day trade. :)
I didnt. I don't have as much money as you guys do to trade especially after buying a bike and a car (I'm only 20 and work part time since I'm still in school). So I wouldn't be able to invest and in turn make much of a return but once I save up for a bit I'll get into the bigger investments to make some short, large returns.

As of now I still only have 300 in oasis. But will soon invest more once I save a bit.
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