
BE VERY CAREFUL around any of those double- or triple-leveraged ETFs. They involve rolling over futures contracts each month and there is a loss every time they do that. All of them are losers in the long term. Their only use is for short-term trades if you are convinced about the direction that something is going. I have never owned one.

Suppose you have a $100 stock that loses $1 one day and gains $1 back the next. You break even. Still worth $100. Remember that the second-day gain is a 1.0101..% gain on the previous day's $99 closing price.

Suppose you have a $100 triple-leverage ETF based on the same stock. The first day it loses $3 and then settles its accounts. $97. Now the underlying gains the same amount the next day and the fund gains 3.0303% on that $97 and is now $99.939393... That little bit adds up over time!

On another note ... Last Friday Telus got called away at $44, today I bought back in a little lower than that and sold March $44 calls against it and the ex-dividend date is before that expiration ... And now, back to my real job ...
Thanks for this Brian. I guess it can make sense as a day-trade kind of play, but not as a long-term hedge.
ive spent many many hours reading this thread, the links in it, and the terminology. thanks.

But I thought you were a Billionaire Batman?!?! Lol
Just opened a Questrade account. TD is fine for buying into eSeries funds, but not for much else.

Free ETF purchases at Questrade, that'll let me add to my position(s) every paycheck.
Just opened a Questrade account. TD is fine for buying into eSeries funds, but not for much else.

Free ETF purchases at Questrade, that'll let me add to my position(s) every paycheck.

What's the catch?
They charge an inactivity fee after a quarter. Not a concern for me.

Other types of trades have full commissions.

Cool Thanks! I haven't traded ETFs but it looks like they are all free and Scotia iTrade has similar rates to QuestTrade.

In terms of trading platform and research I like ITrade over TD Waterhouse. With ITrade they seem to give you more options like trailing stop options on basic accounts whereas with TD you need to trade over 100+ transactions to get more advanced user interface.

End of the day it's what you get used to I guess. Good news is your taking your future in your hands and making money work for you instead of just sitting and depreciating like currency is bound to do these days.,,3693,00.html
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But I thought you were a Billionaire Batman?!?! Lol

Bane and the League of Shadows took all my money.. guess you didn't see the last documentary... er movie as most call it ;)

i made a play portfolio on google on thursday night... on my first day, fri, i made $30 on 9g worth of stock... at this rate, ill be the best ever lol
i made a play portfolio on google on thursday night... on my first day, fri, i made $30 on 9g worth of stock... at this rate, ill be the best ever lol

"Past performance doesn't guarantee future results"

There will be up days, and there will be down days.
so what is the best site to use for someone who might make 5 or 6 stock purchases a year?
It’s like your smartphone, it boils down to whatever you get used to. Save yourself the hassle of transfer fees and waiting to move money between banks when starting out. Whatever bank you’re with will have a trading account so try it first. Once you get to a significant amount you can chose to diversify where you trade your money.

i made a play portfolio on google on thursday night... on my first day, fri, i made $30 on 9g worth of stock... at this rate, ill be the best ever lol
$30 a day and you’ll double your investment in a year. J Google is a great stock with a good moat as they say and based on technicals it would seem a good time to buy as well. RSI(14) and MACD trending up. Had a blip on Friday but great long term stock.
General comment to all who are buying stocks at this time. The markets are volatile. Over the past several weeks you will have noticed gains and losses. Seek sound financial advice when you start trading/investing. Have clearly written goals and rules with your money and take any emotion out of the equation.
Emotion just may kill your whole portfolio. How much do you really love a loser? How good are you at knowing when to cut bait and move on? How closely are you following what you’ve put your money into?
Good luck with your money folks. Be patient and informed. Knowledge is power!
I've been with questrade, Td and Scotia itrade. I find td's platform to be the easiest to deal with. I don't do many trades either. 5-9 every 6 months.

so what is the best site to use for someone who might make 5 or 6 stock purchases a year?
I've been with questrade, Td and Scotia itrade. I find td's platform to be the easiest to deal with. I don't do many trades either. 5-9 every 6 months.

I don't think that you can trade CSE with TD online, yet. Still have to phone those trades in.
I don't think that you can trade CSE with TD online, yet. Still have to phone those trades in.

I trade with TD all the time Joe. US, Canadian, mutual funds in the past, I've never had to call anything in.
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