
Be very careful holding a stock that pays out more in dividends than they make in earnings. Even more so if it is by a large margin and it has been like that for a long time. The money to pay out those fat dividends comes from somewhere.... and it is not sustainable. Even more so if it is also in an industry/sector that needs constant investments to stay competitive product wise.

Just saying...

Oh, I know, that's why it's only a piece of the puzzle. What amounts to a partial conversion of capital (think: capital loss offsetting gains elsewhere) into dividends (think: dividend tax credit) is kinda useful at the moment.
Many, many years ago, I went into a dollarama (likely very soon after they came on scene).
It seemed as though all the merchandise was shot out of a cannon, and wherever it landed, was the common theme. Nothing about the store made sense. I never went back.
Until earlier this son was going in, so I reluctantly followed him in.
To my surprise, everything was neatly organized, pricing was as visible as I've seen anywhere, and the place was I bought some shares that day, when I got home. It was $104 that day. Has a little divi too.
Everything else going great, except Lion Electric.......what a dud.
Many, many years ago, I went into a dollarama (likely very soon after they came on scene).
It seemed as though all the merchandise was shot out of a cannon, and wherever it landed, was the common theme. Nothing about the store made sense. I never went back.
Until earlier this son was going in, so I reluctantly followed him in.
To my surprise, everything was neatly organized, pricing was as visible as I've seen anywhere, and the place was I bought some shares that day, when I got home. It was $104 that day. Has a little divi too.
Everything else going great, except Lion Electric.......what a dud.

My wife bought Loblaws during the pandemic for similar reasons.

If a company or industry is accused of gouging their customers, don't get mad... just buy their stock.
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Many, many years ago, I went into a dollarama (likely very soon after they came on scene).
It seemed as though all the merchandise was shot out of a cannon, and wherever it landed, was the common theme. Nothing about the store made sense. I never went back.
Until earlier this son was going in, so I reluctantly followed him in.
To my surprise, everything was neatly organized, pricing was as visible as I've seen anywhere, and the place was I bought some shares that day, when I got home. It was $104 that day. Has a little divi too.
Everything else going great, except Lion Electric.......what a dud.
Buddy of mine turned me on to Dollarama stock a couple years back as well. He bought stock in them when he was in there around Covid times and realized everyone will always have use for those cheap items. Their 5yr has done great and they didn't slow down after Covid.
Many, many years ago, I went into a dollarama (likely very soon after they came on scene).
It seemed as though all the merchandise was shot out of a cannon, and wherever it landed, was the common theme. Nothing about the store made sense. I never went back.
Until earlier this son was going in, so I reluctantly followed him in.
To my surprise, everything was neatly organized, pricing was as visible as I've seen anywhere, and the place was I bought some shares that day, when I got home. It was $104 that day. Has a little divi too.
Everything else going great, except Lion Electric.......what a dud.
Lev was a huge dud I dumped it last week put what was left in vug

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
Sold my AAPL at $240.50 today after a few days of it ramping up. I know there’s some projections that it’ll hit $270 but I’m happy to take my profits on it for now.
Sold my AAPL at $240.50 today after a few days of it ramping up. I know there’s some projections that it’ll hit $270 but I’m happy to take my profits on it for now.
I sold some at 227, some at 235 and I may sell another batch or two. It's still my largest holding in RRSP. I don't plan on going to zero aapl but don't mind reducing my exposure. I bought VT with the money and it is up similarly so while I didn't maximize AAPL climb, I didn't miss much.

On a related note, I watched some dumb video where a guy was talking about stocks he would never sell. He provided the number of shares he held. He had something like 40 shares of aapl. Oooh. All in. If I had less than $10K in it I wouldn't be selling either as I need a 10x for that to help me retire (eventually).

Sold some more AAPL @241 today and bought more VT. AAPL is no longer my largest holding. What I have left I plan on letting ride.
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What is on your Loss Harvesting list this year in your margin account? BCE, is on mine, Have hung on to it too long and will take a $20/ share loss to offset some of my gains. Ex Div Date is Dec 16, so will sell after to collect whatever DIVs are paid.
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Guy invests money from an inheritance that he "can't afford to lose" 100% in crypto. Searches for website to login and check balance and goes to a spoof website instead where he provides his credentials. Six minutes later, his account is empty. Ouch. So easy for the scammers. This guy was doomed from the beginning when he put money he can't lose into crypto.

Guy invests money from an inheritance that he "can't afford to lose" 100% in crypto. Searches for website to login and check balance and goes to a spoof website instead where he provides his credentials. Six minutes later, his account is empty. Ouch. So easy for the scammers. This guy was doomed from the beginning when he put money he can't lose into crypto.

I realized it pretty quickly and did not get burned but I used to do more or less the same (just type into Google). Once on Google searching TD the first one that popped up (sponsored ad) was a phishing site, looked legit. I noticed the URL was off but I am sure many got burned. I would expect Google to do better, I expect too much.
I realized it pretty quickly and did not get burned but I used to do more or less the same (just type into Google). Once on Google searching TD the first one that popped up (sponsored ad) was a phishing site, looked legit. I noticed the URL was off but I am sure many got burned. I would expect Google to do better, I expect too much.
Google cares more about the scammer than you as the scammer is paying them. I agree though, there should be some culpability/liability when they accept money for something that is so obviously fraud.
My wife bought Loblaws during the pandemic for similar reasons.

If a company or industry is accused of gouging their customers, don't get mad... just buy their stock.
I thought that way about HOG. I even promised them I'd buy my first Harley with the money I planned to make on their stock.

They missed my target so I'm still riding a Suzuki.
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