Speed cameras

The standards about speedo not being allowed to show lower than actual speed are contingent on tire sizes being as per manufacturer specs. Has to be same as what the vehicle's placard says. I'm driving an illegal vehicle right now... has OEM wheels from a different trim level, not same size...in Germany that's a TuV failure...
Happens a lot in 4x4s and with winter tires if you change tire sizes. I run 65s on my Jeep in the summer and 75s in the winter. Adds about 6.5% to my real speed with the winters on.

Obviously if you change the equipment the speedo will be wrong.
The more I actually experience first hand the effect these cameras have, the more I’m perfectly ok with them. The result in our neighborhood alone (and others) despite the cameras having moved to other areas has been very noticeable and lasting. In a good way.

Never got a single ticket either so I don’t buy the “cash cow” arguments still either. Don’t want a ticket? Don’t speed.
Haven't noticed a change in ours. The area where the camera is, has very little pedestrian traffic except when the high school gets out. Camera is on a nice downhill slope, right after a traffic light that won't trigger unless someone is on the inductive loop. This way they tend to catch people who are trying to make the light, and don't slam on the brakes immediately after making it. In the uphill direction, the light always triggers, and has an advanced green. Then again there are people who are complaining even with the extra four way stop signs & speed camera, saying that they are narrowly missed while walking every week or so.
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