Speed cameras

Its been on stock 'factory option' exhausts for awhile now. And they can be quite repetitive and loud with no modification.
Early 2000's Neon SRT4 would crackle on lifted throttle from the factory. I think that as more manufacturers go to turbo 4's which don't sound great, they are exploiting the crackle to add some excitement.
There are some things about internal combustion engines I will miss once the electrics take over. The deep rumble of a V8, or the high revs of a true high performance engine, that sort of thing.

Nonsense like straight piped crackle tunes and fart can mufflers on clapped out rice burners, not so much.
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Young feller next door got dropped off in a 2018 Aventador a week ago.
At idle, it was............unexplainable......there was a $24K aftermarket exhaust on it (brand unknown).
I thought a Z06 was sweet sounding.........that lambo had me droolin like a fool, and weak in the knees.
If you have a tail tidy do they still try to figure out your plate?
If you have a tail tidy do they still try to figure out your plate?
How would they? This isnt CSI, if your plate is buried, there will be nothing there to ticket. Dont speed by the camera every day at the same time or they may have a real cop waiting for you with some presents.
Expect increased enforcement of license-plate visibility laws if that becomes a rampant issue.

It doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to think of ways to render a photo-enforcement contraption ineffective. Or, you could just not speed through school zones and go through red traffic signals without stopping.

'Course, if the municipality goes stupid with absurdly low speed limits and stupid numbers of speed cameras, they ought to *expect* backlash ... legal or otherwise.

It doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to think of ways to render a photo-enforcement contraption ineffective

The one around the corner from me has been spray painted several times, as have been the other ones in the area.

Whoever's idea it was to surface mount these things, I'll never understand. Dumb, dumb, Dumb.
Yes, run Waze, I was Westbound on Hwy 2, Courtice just west of Prestonville and BAM Waze voice says "Speed trap ahead". I glanced at screen, it show "speed camera in 460 meters"...lol

I'll have to enter the one on Harmony Road Northbound, just south of Adelaide....
The more I actually experience first hand the effect these cameras have, the more I’m perfectly ok with them. The result in our neighborhood alone (and others) despite the cameras having moved to other areas has been very noticeable and lasting. In a good way.

Never got a single ticket either so I don’t buy the “cash cow” arguments still either. Don’t want a ticket? Don’t speed.
The more I actually experience first hand the effect these cameras have, the more I’m perfectly ok with them. The result in our neighborhood alone (and others) despite the cameras having moved to other areas has been very noticeable and lasting. In a good way.

Never got a single ticket either so I don’t buy the “cash cow” arguments still either. Don’t want a ticket? Don’t speed.
Each municipality gets to pick the threshold with no public disclosure as to what it is. I have no problem with them set at 20 over, little issue with them set at 10 over but big issues if they set them at 1 over. Also piling up 15 tickets before sending them to a person shows this is barely about safety. If it was about safety, the feedback loop would be much shorter to modify their behavior quickly. This is fundraising pure and simple with a side-effect of reduced travel speeds over time.
The threshold was a topic of hot conversation in our area as well however it became evident fairly quickly that it was 10 over, as I suspect most municipalities are going with. I know there was much ado about “1kph over tickets!” but nobody actually saw any proof whatsoever of any tickets being issued for that amount.
The threshold was a topic of hot conversation in our area as well however it became evident fairly quickly that it was 10 over, as I suspect most municipalities are going with. I know there was much ado about “1kph over tickets!” but nobody actually saw any proof whatsoever of any tickets being issued for that amount.
Easy to find the threshold, just cover your plate and drive past a bunch of times, each time a little faster till you see the flash.
Never got a single ticket either so I don’t buy the “cash cow” arguments still either.

FIRST.... Big time cash cow. The car owner/driver with 15 tickets just gets a fine 15 times. quick and easy. IF he got pulled over 15 times for speeding, then he would likely lose his license or face a HUGE fine or some other type of reprimand. THAT would be about "safety" as they take an unsafe driver off the road, but really this guy keeps driving by and collecting more tickets. CASH COW.

SECOND the driver doesnt get punished, the vehicle owner does. This isn't about safety, its about another way of generating revenue quick and easy.

If it was about "safety" a big police presence, and actually ticketing drivers would be far more effective as likely they can do insurance checks, license stickers, and check if the guy is wanted. Far more effective and about safety if the guy is a perp and they get him off the road.
There definitely is a set fine for 1 km/h over the limit as it's listed online. Atleast 1 city page has this listed:

The automated enforcement speed fines for speeding in a Community Safety Zone are as follows:

  • 1 to 19 km over the limit is $5.00 per kilometre plus costs
  • 20 to 29 km over the limit is $7.50 per kilometre plus costs
  • 30 to 49 km over the limit is $12.00 per kilometre plus costs

Now whether or not the camera will trigger if you go 1km/h over the limit I have no experience.
There definitely is a set fine for 1 km/h over the limit as it's listed online. Atleast 1 city page has this listed:

Same here, and that’s what everyone latched onto screaming about “Everyone’s going to get tickets for 1 over!”’.

Nobody did.

Of course there needs to be a set fine for 1 over as if they started at 10 over they’d have showed their hand. And if you did get a ticket, of course it starts from the limit on up, not from the grace period on up.,..the exact same as any cop giving you a ticket roadside.
I don't agree that the car owner gets the ticket, not the driver.

Also, the ticket gets mailed what, 4 to 6 weeks after the alleged offense was committed? Hardly a deterrent as it just becomes another bill to pay in the eyes of the receiver.

Proper policing where the offender gets pulled over, has all their plates, registration, insurance confirmed, along with other items that could be noted like open alcohol, drugs, guns, dangerous vehicle, etc. THAT is far more effective.

Clearly an easy cash grab.
I don’t know. I remember my kid telling me about a light at hwy6 in Guelph being really long at night. His student buddies routinely cheated the light when the coast was clear... till the photo cam got them. And my wife.

seems to have been a good deterrent.
Are you sure about that margin of error? The way I understand it is some euro countries do not allow the speedo to ever indicate low. That leads to speedos that are often ~5% faster than actual speed so with manufacturing tolerance, they never end up on the wrong side of the line. My last car read about 5% high, current car is bang on, wifes car is bang on. I have never been in a vehicle where I noticed the actual speed was above the indicated speed (unless they had messed with tire size).
Happens a lot in 4x4s and with winter tires if you change tire sizes. I run 65s on my Jeep in the summer and 75s in the winter. Adds about 6.5% to my real speed with the winters on.

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