Special Interest Groups (SIGs)


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Driving along Bloor Street in Mississauga yesterday I noticed lawn signs protesting against making Bloor Street two lane, down from four, Obviously for bike lanes. They were about to do that in Etobicoke and it almost happened.

Here's the problem. Bloor is also a bus route. Every time a bus stops all the cars have to stop. There is a third centre lane for left turns.

The weasel from city hall that was sent to explain the bike lanes was obviously pro bikes. When he was asked about getting past the bus that was stopping every two blocks his weasel reply was "I've heard that some people pass using the left turn lane." He didn't say to do it he just threw out an escape clause that is probable illegal and definitely dangerous if two opposing cars decide to use it at the same time, never mind the clueless bus passenger that runs out from in front of the bus.

What SIG is pushing this agenda?

I'm all for bicycles but we don't have the weather, public transit or infrastructure in place to let us scrap our cars.

High Park SIG

The relatively small group of cyclists wanted full rein over the park to use it as their training track. Various conditions including Covid has the park closed to vehicle traffic on weekends. That's nice for the locals.

What about the elderly or disabled?

There is no parking near the place. All of the single family home have been converted to apartments and the locals even have issues.

Another SIG wants the vehicle ban extended to 24/7. Great for the people living near the park. It becomes their private preserve.

Some SIGs are necessary when they involve civil rights, racism etc but some are getting redundant.

Seniors are SIGs. The same people that were buying homes that were the equivalent of three to five times a years salary, not 20 times.

Many of them got their first steps up the ladder when hiring practices allowed a lot more racism and sexism but they get seniors discounts when a struggling family pays full shot. Today's worker competes with all genders, ages and locations (This is Sarah in India. How can I help you with your snow blower problem). Throw in the lack of job protection due to trade pacts.

My main question is how do we fight the SIGs?

It seems they have a connection to city hall that normal working stiffs are missing. Suddenly one of these changes comes through and we are stuck with it. It would be nice to have a SIG that simulated Bloor Street with the bike lanes and the pressure it would put on parallel side streets. Not only would car traffic be impeded by the buses the buses would be impeded by the cars. A loss for everyone.
Even worse than buses, though less frequent, are fire trucks. Any time a fire alarm goes off in one of those condos, and there isn't enough room off the ROW, the fire truck occupies the lane and essentially stops traffic in that direction. Got stuck a couple of times on Queen's Quay when I used to ride around there - pulled a U-turn but some play chicken if not busy. Speaking to a cab driver, said he was dropping an elderly woman off in front of her apartment on QQ, no parking nearby so stopped in front of the building, blinkers on, hurried out to help her out the door. Got no end of honking and abuse from the cars that had to wait the 30-seconds or so behind him - he was a newcomer to Canada, from Afghanistan, and said he could not understand the mentality of people that would get angry at him for helping an old lady out the car.
Everyone that wants everything to stay the same, nothing to change, is special interest group.... people that want change, special interest. Want access for cars, that is a special interest, want less access for cars that is a special interest. Want bike lanes, don't want bike lanes, both are special interests and groups!

In the end, everyone is part of a special interest group one way or another.
Does the city have a plan thread - continued?

What they will probably do, and what Toronto has been doing is reduce to 1 lane each way. Make a bike lane, and some parking in select spots in the other lane. This will give the bus room to move over to make a stop without blocking traffic. They have done this on University, Bloor, and Danforth. Doesn't help if the bus stop is also at at intersection and cars behind it need to make a turn though.

Good question on who's agenda, but it might seem like a win for the city and it's budget. Can't cost a lot to repaint some roads. And someone's position get's justified by fulfilling some promise of more bike lanes, that will hardly be used. But I think it's too simple a solution at the scarafice of more congestion because traffic may not move as efficiently. Especially when they are implemented on main roads used to move lots of traffic.
Everyone that wants everything to stay the same, nothing to change, is special interest group.... people that want change, special interest. Want access for cars, that is a special interest, want less access for cars that is a special interest. Want bike lanes, don't want bike lanes, both are special interests and groups!

In the end, everyone is part of a special interest group one way or another.
I don't believe that there is a coordinated effort by any group to push back against bike lanes. The majority drive cars and are inconvenienced by bike lanes but do not care enough to organize and push back.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I do believe that bicyclists join forces to apply political pressure.
I don't believe that there is a coordinated effort by any group to push back against bike lanes. The majority drive cars and are inconvenienced by bike lanes but do not care enough to organize and push back.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I do believe that bicyclists join forces to apply political pressure.
There are save Bloor Street sings all over the place, against bike lanes... and this:

Everyone that wants everything to stay the same, nothing to change, is special interest group.... people that want change, special interest. Want access for cars, that is a special interest, want less access for cars that is a special interest. Want bike lanes, don't want bike lanes, both are special interests and groups!

In the end, everyone is part of a special interest group one way or another.
Is another colour (and letter/number/symbol) needed on the flag?
Everyone that wants everything to stay the same, nothing to change, is special interest group.... people that want change, special interest. Want access for cars, that is a special interest, want less access for cars that is a special interest. Want bike lanes, don't want bike lanes, both are special interests and groups!

In the end, everyone is part of a special interest group one way or another.
No question, if we were God we'd all like to redesign the world. In a perfect world everyone all special interests would be to benefit society.

It'll never happen but the part that bothers me is the blaten selfishness of some of the demands. Some seniors groups are lobbying for more government guarantees while the working poor are going to food banks.
Everyone that wants everything to stay the same, nothing to change, is special interest group.... people that want change, special interest. Want access for cars, that is a special interest, want less access for cars that is a special interest. Want bike lanes, don't want bike lanes, both are special interests and groups!

In the end, everyone is part of a special interest group one way or another.

Stop using logic to bolster your argument.

It's much easier for me to think that every issue that I don't personally believe in is a Special Interest and should be extinguished immediately.
I had a funny discussion with Reddit about closing high park to cars and allowing only pedestrians and cyclists to run free. I couldn’t believe the amount of hate I got and was told to eff off.

Had a single person dm me and say it point blank, do not come here because we don’t want to ruin OUR park, and OUR neighbourhood as we don’t have big lots and big space.

Removing access to cars in the park may seem great, but you’re effectively cutting off a disadvantaged part of the population that can’t take the bus across the city because there is simply no space for their car.

And this doesn’t include the elderly and disabled that need their car.

They are great at organizing and putting political pressure simply because they’re well educated, upper class, and have the time and resources to put up a fight.
People who push the car agenda are part of a well funded special interest group backed by Detroit.
I had a funny discussion with Reddit about closing high park to cars and allowing only pedestrians and cyclists to run free. I couldn’t believe the amount of hate I got and was told to eff off.

Had a single person dm me and say it point blank, do not come here because we don’t want to ruin OUR park, and OUR neighbourhood as we don’t have big lots and big space.

Removing access to cars in the park may seem great, but you’re effectively cutting off a disadvantaged part of the population that can’t take the bus across the city because there is simply no space for their car.

And this doesn’t include the elderly and disabled that need their car.

They are great at organizing and putting political pressure simply because they’re well educated, upper class, and have the time and resources to put up a fight.
High Park was given to the city in 1876 by John G. Howard with only one requirement - to be available FREE to all that want to use it in perpetuity.
This current NIMBYism is at its worst - I have had dog walkers give me sh*t for riding my motorcycle through the park, I got hit by a cyclist as I was making a left turn into the restaurant. The locals don't own the park, the city does.
Covid created some special problems but it's over now - the locals can pound sand and if restrictions are put in place I'll ride my moto through any barriers and deal with the consequences. See you in court.
I had a funny discussion with Reddit about closing high park to cars and allowing only pedestrians and cyclists to run free. I couldn’t believe the amount of hate I got and was told to eff off.

Had a single person dm me and say it point blank, do not come here because we don’t want to ruin OUR park, and OUR neighbourhood as we don’t have big lots and big space.

Removing access to cars in the park may seem great, but you’re effectively cutting off a disadvantaged part of the population that can’t take the bus across the city because there is simply no space for their car.

And this doesn’t include the elderly and disabled that need their car.

They are great at organizing and putting political pressure simply because they’re well educated, upper class, and have the time and resources to put up a fight.
With some conservation areas people have to make reservations. Could the same happen to our city parks? Take a number.

During Covid peak, didn't Trinity Belwood have circles to control crowding.

Maybe it is time to eliminate vehicles from High Park, ALL vehicles, including bicycles. Plow up the roads. Flatten the buildings.

As visitors drop, reduce the park budget. Let the hogweed and poison ivy take over. No police presence so jog at your own risk. If it turns into a mega encampment so be it.

We need politicians with balls. Chow doesn't have them. Ford can't see where his are and Trudeau just lost his.

Have we developed a caste system based on car badges, shirt brands, coffee preferences?
We need politicians with balls. Chow doesn't have them. Ford can't see where his are and Trudeau just lost his.

When did he have balls (wearing a pink hoodie to a screening of Barbie doesn't count)? This is news to me.

With some conservation areas people have to make reservations. Could the same happen to our city parks? Take a number.

During Covid peak, didn't Trinity Belwood have circles to control crowding.

Maybe it is time to eliminate vehicles from High Park, ALL vehicles, including bicycles. Plow up the roads. Flatten the buildings.

As visitors drop, reduce the park budget. Let the hogweed and poison ivy take over. No police presence so jog at your own risk. If it turns into a mega encampment so be it.

We need politicians with balls. Chow doesn't have them. Ford can't see where his are and Trudeau just lost his.

Have we developed a caste system based on car badges, shirt brands, coffee preferences?
There has always been a caste system here in Toronto and everywhere else. Postal codes are the best indicator.

The NIMBY crowd is strong and organized. They don’t want riff raff in the park. I’ll find the email I received and post it here as an indication of what they want…and it’s to be left alone in THEIR park and THEIR neighbourhood.
Come to the beach in west Oakville . Sorry I mean don’t come to the beach in west Oakville . East Oakville either …..

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