Southwood Road Ride w/crash

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She told him to go catch up with the leader to tell him someone went down. The leader kept going and didn't stop(i guess he didn't see). There were enough people to help the downed rider, so she sent him to stop the leader.

Well that's very nice. I'm strictly commenting on what I saw on the video, which looked like a hand motion to just keep going.
Well that's very nice. I'm strictly commenting on what I saw on the video, which looked like a hand motion to just keep going.

And I'm going by the facts, I was a couple bikes behind her, and we were connected by communicator headsets.

But hey. People are gonna think what they want. Be my guest. But that would be a crappy thing to do.... Just ride off after someone fell lol.
But that would be a crappy thing to do.... Just ride off after someone fell lol.

Exactly. You can go by any facts you want. Im not disputing any facts. Take a look at the original post. It's a link to a video.

No facts or story attached. I watched, and commented about that video. End of story.

It's nice to know that the rider wasn't ditched.
So you get a picture to emphasize your point and I'm the one thats mad........ LOL try harder bud.

Im not "trying hard" or anything lol. I couldn't care less. I am bored at work is all.

You must be new to the Internet and forums in general.

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