Sons of anarchy

I bought a hoddie and has the SAMCRO colors, can I ride my bike with it?? would I get in trouble with the HA???
I bought a hoddie and has the SAMCRO colors, can I ride my bike with it?? would I get in trouble with the HA???

If the Hoodie has the bottom rocker that claims a 'territory' .. that's where the problem lies. Even if it is for a ficticious club, it could cause personal problems for you, with an anally retentive 1%er(s) that has a chapter in that territory (ie. California).

That said .. why would someone wear an article of clothing with a patch representing a ficticious club, on a Jap cruiser no less. While the show is good boob-tube entertainment, it really has nothing to do with reality or street cred.

Not directed at you specifically .. but if i saw ANY biker out there sporting a Samcro patch on the road, the phrase 'rebel without a clue' would likely pop into mind. Please keep your dignity intact, and don't do it.

This is like 'Wild Hogs' has mated with OCC, and produced the next bastard child of trendy but tacky motorcycle fashion consumerism.
OK season 4 started, 2 episodes in... "SuperChannel" wants $16 on Rogers... which I think is unreasonable... anyone have any ideas on alternate ways on catching the show?

OK season 4 started, 2 episodes in... "SuperChannel" wants $16 on Rogers... which I think is unreasonable... anyone have any ideas on alternate ways on catching the show?


FX is coming to Canada the end of Oct what I heard is with will be included with regular channels.
I watched the first episode of season four Tuesday night. It was amazing. The world will be turned upside down. It's gonna be great!!! Can't wait til next Tuesday night
not sure how much the fee is but, downloaded VUZE (it's like netflicks). Found episode 1 of season 4. I thought the premere was Sept 6th?
Saw episode 1. It was a BIT of a TORRENT to get it...however easy enough if you know how. ;)
I know i'm in the minority here but I find it "ok". To me alot of it is labored and trying to be something on par with an HBO show like the sopranos or the wire, but not quite pulling it off. Its entertaining but I dont think its as good as most people think. It reminds more of the shield, which was the guys first show. Again entertaining, but not top shelf TV.
I didn't really want to like it, but my BFF insisted I give it an honest chance. It took a while to grow on me, and almost in spite of itself I'm addicted.
It's like a soap opera, but it's about bikes so I'm comfortable with watching it.
It's like a soap opera, but it's about bikes so I'm comfortable with watching it.

Actually I find it has very little to do with bikes. They almost never talk about them. I've only heard them once mention what model bike they ride, Harley Dynas. Season 4 opener has that new character with the Bonneville 750, should be interesting.
Actually I find it has very little to do with bikes. They almost never talk about them. I've only heard them once mention what model bike they ride, Harley Dynas. Season 4 opener has that new character with the Bonneville 750, should be interesting.

Meant to say "bikers", actually, but you're right in that they rarely feature the machines.
Actually I find it has very little to do with bikes. They almost never talk about them. I've only heard them once mention what model bike they ride, Harley Dynas. Season 4 opener has that new character with the Bonneville 750, should be interesting.

I think at some point in season 2 the guys are bugging that one guy about his POS Fat Boy. But yeah...I wish they'd focus a bit more on the bikes. I appreciate all the Dyna-love, though.
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