Something needs to be done

If there are harsher penalties for left turn hits, random lane change hits and crossing the line, I think the situation might improve. The drivers will be at least more vigilant. I also would demand cp24 or any other tv media to show a bike awareness video everyday. Open to discuss more ideas over coffee if needed.

Harsher penalties mean little if the driver doesn't believe they will ever have a crash.

A sad event where visibility could have been a factor. RIP rider
Harsher penalties won't change anything in my opinion. Everyone has the opinion that they can text/eat/drink/whatever while driving because "that's not going to happen to me". They've eliminated the cause because they're special, so by definition, effect goes as well. The states has the death penalty, and an epic homicide rate to go with it. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I read once that half of motorcycle accidents are single vehicle accidents, which means we tend to bring the grief onto ourselves (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Better training, both driver and rider will go a lot further than any legislation. Just teaching SS riders where the turn signal switch is and how to operate it would be a step in the right direction.
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