Someone Pis sed in my helmet!!! | Page 3 |

Someone Pis sed in my helmet!!!

perfect present for an ex-gf and offer to take her out on a nice ride on a hot summer day. when she complains. wheelie and dump her on the road lol =p
perfect present for an ex-gf and offer to take her out on a nice ride on a hot summer day. when she complains. wheelie and dump her on the road lol =p

Some girls dig it; might just win her back!
Oh dude, that's so nasty. Even if I scrubbed it like there's no tomorrow and there was no whiz residue left at all, I am sure on sunny days I would smell phantom piss until it dove me insane.

EXACTLY... wait till it gets more than 20c outside, and you start wondering what that smell is...

Chuck the helmet and buy another...
Take a big dump inside, then throw in some knuckle children...that way you can complete the series of things I would never wear on my head.
It has always amazed me how many people leave their lids with their parked bikes. I can only assume you don't care what people do to your lid while it's there, like, perhaps, hitting them with a hammer as they walk by.
It has always amazed me how many people leave their lids with their parked bikes. I can only assume you don't care what people do to your lid while it's there, like, perhaps, hitting them with a hammer as they walk by.

Well he said he was in the club distract so I assume he was clubbing. It's not like he can take his helmet inside with him so what choice does he has except leave the helmet with the bike.
Well he said he was in the club distract so I assume he was clubbing. It's not like he can take his helmet inside with him so what choice does he has except leave the helmet with the bike.

Coat check? Do they even allow that? I'm just wondering because when I go clubbing, I go drinking, so I don't ride/drive
It has always amazed me how many people leave their lids with their parked bikes. I can only assume you don't care what people do to your lid while it's there, like, perhaps, hitting them with a hammer as they walk by.

I always wonder about that when I see all those people in the parking lot walking past my bike with a hammer in their hand.
So sad...:sad3: That's exactly what I told a bouncer I was trying to avoid when I was at Kool Haus last Thursday!

Two words: Coat Check.
lol i would've scrapped the helmet. Knowing that someone urinated in it would always be on my mind when i'm riding.

+1 !!!!!! Rofl !!!
LMAO sorry for laughing but this is HILARIOUS! i guess you have learnt a lesson... not to leave your helmet anywhere LOL!!
lol glad I could make you guys laugh at my misfortune! ;) actually I still leave the helmet locked to the bike - too much of a hassle to bring it around with me.

in 9 years of riding and locking helmet to bike, that is the first helmet 'prank', although I did see a drunk guy try to steal it once and stumble off haha

And yeah its pretty gross!! but quite truthfully, it didn't smell like piss the night of, and after a 10minute wash in boiling hot water, and scrubbing with laundry detergent, its smells great ;)

that said... there is a line, and had someone vomitted in it bahahaha i would have left it right there on the sidewalk!

Someone needs to design a kevlar or something tough helmet lock back so you can leave it locked to bike with no worries mate :)
And yeah its pretty gross!! but quite truthfully, it didn't smell like piss the night of, and after a 10minute wash in boiling hot water, and scrubbing with laundry detergent, its smells great ;)

Someone needs to design a kevlar or something tough helmet lock back so you can leave it locked to bike with no worries mate :)

Sometimes a Piss heads piss don't smell like piss if they had enough drinks it comes out clear odourless...what do you think it woud be some piss head empting his Evian water bottle in your cap for a laugh...dude ditch the thing...or on a hot summer day you may smell like a piss head.

Regarding the cevlar bag---well the pisshead will piss on the bag...I thing anything like that attracts drunks like a dog to fire hydrant....I would just take it into the club or have hard bags on your bike to lock it up...anyways if your going clubbling don't you drink?

One thing for sure dude this must be the most funniest story on GTAM period, it would be hard to top this story ever....You should sell this story to hollywood, they may make it into one of those satire "Dude who Pi$$ed in my Helmet!!"
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I would never leave my helmet on my bike for long periods of time. I find I prefer to carry it with me, as I feel like a tool walking around somewhere wearing just a motorcycle jacket, atleast while carrying my helmet people don't think I just made an interesting jacket choice lol

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