Someone Pis sed in my helmet!!! | Page 2 |

Someone Pis sed in my helmet!!!

whats unbelievable what peaple admit to on a public forum..........TMI
parked downtown by the clubs

That was your big mistake. I avoid the douchedistrict like the plague on weekend evenings. Invasion of drunken 905ers always results in douchebehavior.
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Oh dude, that's so nasty. Even if I scrubbed it like there's no tomorrow and there was no whiz residue left at all, I am sure on sunny days I would smell phantom piss until it dove me insane.
hahahahaha... that hilirious!!

throw the helmet out...just spend the money and get a new helmet...better then smelling urine in ur helmet on a hot summer day...
People are such retards.

I'd probably either clean it out and put it on a shelf at home somewhere as a decoration if it looked cool or fill it with something flammable and watch it burn.
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Wow a piss helmet is bad.

When I was a teenager my family dog had cornered a skunk in the garage and the skunk sprayed all over my helmet. It was so disgusting and I had to ride somewhere with no other mode of transit (lived in the country). The smell of skunk no longer bugs me.
Wow a piss helmet is bad.

When I was a teenager my family dog had cornered a skunk in the garage and the skunk sprayed all over my helmet. It was so disgusting and I had to ride somewhere with no other mode of transit (lived in the country). The smell of skunk no longer bugs me.

HAHAHAHA... we have a winner!

thread back fire.

This thread is now making fun of OP and his piss stained helmet.
Get it analysed and then see what you're dealing with.

How do you propose he gets it analyzed?
Lend it to a friend and see if he notices?!

Or is there an independent agency i'm not familiar with that analyzes piss filled moto helmets? :confused:

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