Someone Pis sed in my helmet!!! |

Someone Pis sed in my helmet!!!


Active member
parked downtown by the clubs in what I realize was a bit too remote of a spot...

walking up to bike... see liquid running away from bike on sidewalk.. "oh gawd!"

my helmet was locked to bike, hanging upside down... liquid on it... smelt it.. didn't really smell like piss haha but not taking any chances. wiped rim off and put on elbow.

very cold night out, but luckily I had my 'bit ch' helmet on the back rack and no urine on that.. drove home, eyes watering like crazy but I made it!

washed out helmet liner in scalding hot water and scrubbed with laundry detergent! good as new :)

anyone had similar 'pranks' pulled on their bikes? ever catch anyone in the act?
parked downtown by the clubs in what I realize was a bit too remote of a spot...

walking up to bike... see liquid running away from bike on sidewalk.. "oh gawd!"

my helmet was locked to bike, hanging upside down... liquid on it... smelt it.. didn't really smell like piss haha but not taking any chances. wiped rim off and put on elbow.

very cold night out, but luckily I had my 'bit ch' helmet on the back rack and no urine on that.. drove home, eyes watering like crazy but I made it!

washed out helmet liner in scalding hot water and scrubbed with laundry detergent! good as new :)

anyone had similar 'pranks' pulled on their bikes? ever catch anyone in the act?

Are you sure it wasn't Jen? She's always been a bit ****** off about the whole Angelina thing...
LOL I would've scrapped the helmet. Knowing that someone urinated in it would always be on my mind when I'm riding.
LOL I would've scrapped the helmet. Knowing that someone urinated in it would always be on my mind when I'm riding.


no amount of scrubbing, cleaning or disinfecting would ever get the thought of a guy pissing in my helmet. Time for a new one.
LOL I would've scrapped the helmet. Knowing that someone urinated in it would always be on my mind when I'm riding.

I think it'll be the characteristic aroma that'll show itself once the helmet is worn for a bit that'll keep reminding the OP of it. The OP has been a member long enough to know that you should NOT be leaving your lid (or anything else) on the bike unless it's under constant surveillance by fellow-riders.
My suggestion to the OP: This forum has a buy and sell section :D
parked downtown by the clubs in what I realize was a bit too remote of a spot...

walking up to bike... see liquid running away from bike on sidewalk.. "oh gawd!"

my helmet was locked to bike, hanging upside down... liquid on it... smelt it.. didn't really smell like piss haha but not taking any chances. wiped rim off and put on elbow.

very cold night out, but luckily I had my 'bit ch' helmet on the back rack and no urine on that.. drove home, eyes watering like crazy but I made it!

washed out helmet liner in scalding hot water and scrubbed with laundry detergent! good as new :)

anyone had similar 'pranks' pulled on their bikes? ever catch anyone in the act?

One of my top 10 fears right there!!!

I have posted it once before on this forum but that is the number 1 reason why I don't leave my helmet with my bike!!! I once had an entry level Shoei mat black....and some ****** keyed their initials in it!!!

Also once parked at the club district, only to find it hocked and loogied all over by those drunk SOBs.

There is no way I'm leaving $1000 lid sitting around for some idiot to a) knock over, b) piss in, c) scratch up or d) and the least of my worries, steal.

I feel for you and quiver in disgust. *shivvers*

This is the type of people that piss in your helmet!
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That's disgusting buddy I can't believe you're gonna put that back on your head.
That's disgusting buddy I can't believe you're gonna put that back on your head.

It coulda been a $800 woulda been trash. Thats nasty, you got pee residue on your head.
I don't care if its a $150,000 solid gold helmet I'd never put that thing back on my head.

I can't believe he's satisfied with simply washing the liner. The pee didn't stop there, it went onto the inner shell of the helmet too.
That's disgusting buddy I can't believe you're gonna put that back on your head.

Bear Grylls would wear it again if an elephant shat in it! Be a man!
I don't care if its a $150,000 solid gold helmet I'd never put that thing back on my head.

I can't believe he's satisfied with simply washing the liner. The pee didn't stop there, it went onto the inner shell of the helmet too.

It probably had a bit of pre-cum arroused drunk man semen mixed in there too, from the dude's club grinding earlier in the night.
I always thought this scenario was akin to an "Urban Legend".
I try my best to avoid the possibility of such a scenario by always
bringing my helmet with me when I'm off the bike.

LOL I would've scrapped the helmet. Knowing that someone urinated in it would always be on my mind when I'm riding.
Or ... Sell it on kijiji and truthfully post up "Cheap! Great for passenger helmet!" "Never been dropped." "Never been down." "Liner recently washed. Ready for sale to new owner"
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I would make it my mission in life to find the person who did it and piss in their mouth. :mad:
if you decide to keep it after scrubbing it, be aware that even if it seems odour free, after a nice hot long day of riding mid summer your head will probably smell like urine.

not fun. sorry to hear about this.
don't get a smelly head.
if you decide to keep it after scrubbing it, be aware that even if it seems odour free, after a nice hot long day of riding mid summer your head will probably smell like urine.

not fun. sorry to hear about this.
don't get a smelly head.

And man juice!

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