Someone complained about our house to the city



PSA: do some research before posting nonsense.

I mentioned I did do research. What I do is attached a canine to the end of a six foot piece of material and take him out to walk around my neighbourhood. He then urinates here and there. Sometimes on my lawn, some time on my neighbours while I talk to him Him being the neioghbour not the dog ;)) , usually in the ditches along the side of the road (Just so this can be peer reviewed, Yes I do live in the city but we have ditches. Great area.) There are no dead patches on my lawn (well one where I over fertilized), none on my neighbours , none in the other places where my dog relieves himself.) Now my neighbour says that is because he is a male not a female. Of course, he is an accountant and not a scientist. Some would say it is because the urea in his pee is not at a high enough concentration to burn the lawn. I will continue my research.

My point more was the poster I replied to was complaining solely that he thought the dog owner thought his lawn was a bathroom and I took that mean he was grossed out by the dog using his lawn as a bathroom as he did not mention any damage, was that lots of thing go on the lawn so what does it matter what the dog does.

As for weeds that appear where a dog pees and nowhere else. Interesting hypothesis. I would be interested to see the research on that one.

BTW so we don't have to take this much further. If you got a real nice lawn I tend to move my dog away from it. And we are talking number 1 here not number 2 right? Just so this all stays scientific.

ps I do not get the whether the PSA is some name you are calling me or the letters for Prostrate Specific Antigen..
What a pig ^

If I was next door I'd rent a garbage bin and wait for the idiot to leave, then dump all the crap and have it hauled away.

I mentioned I did do research. What I do is attached a canine to the end of a six foot piece of material and take him out to walk around my neighbourhood. He then urinates here and there. Sometimes on my lawn, some time on my neighbours while I talk to him Him being the neioghbour not the dog ;)) , usually in the ditches along the side of the road (Just so this can be peer reviewed, Yes I do live in the city but we have ditches. Great area.) There are no dead patches on my lawn (well one where I over fertilized), none on my neighbours , none in the other places where my dog relieves himself.) Now my neighbour says that is because he is a male not a female. Of course, he is an accountant and not a scientist. Some would say it is because the urea in his pee is not at a high enough concentration to burn the lawn. I will continue my research.

My point more was the poster I replied to was complaining solely that he thought the dog owner thought his lawn was a bathroom and I took that mean he was grossed out by the dog using his lawn as a bathroom as he did not mention any damage, was that lots of thing go on the lawn so what does it matter what the dog does.

As for weeds that appear where a dog pees and nowhere else. Interesting hypothesis. I would be interested to see the research on that one.

BTW so we don't have to take this much further. If you got a real nice lawn I tend to move my dog away from it. And we are talking number 1 here not number 2 right? Just so this all stays scientific.

ps I do not get the whether the PSA is some name you are calling me or the letters for Prostrate Specific Antigen..

The burn is caused by the high acid content in the urine spiking the nitrogen levels which results in the grass burning. Lime will neutralize this area for those who need to repair it.

As far as people letting their dog use other front lawns as a washroom thats just ignorant ( sorry yes it is).
Some people have pride in their ownership and want their property to look nice.
Some don't, but it is a piece of land bought and paid for to do with as the owner sees fit, not someone without a vested interest.

It is that simple.
As far as people letting their dog use other front lawns as a washroom thats just ignorant ( sorry yes it is).
Some people have pride in their ownership and want their property to look nice.
Some don't, but it is a piece of land bought and paid for to do with as the owner sees fit, not someone without a vested interest.

It is that simple.

Well said.
In general, I took my dog out, told him to piss in my yard, they did, then they go for their walk. The problem is people take their dog out and command them to piss on someone else's lawn. The dog is on a leash and he is walking with the owner on the sidewalk or street. He doesn't piss on a lawn unless the owner let's him.

I must of missed the piss on command part during all the obediance courses I took and how to overcome mother natures tendency to make intact males mark territory.
Unfortunately my street has house after house before getting to the park so uf he doesnt piss on the second or third neighbours lawn he will on 6th or tenths. Am i supposed to drag my dog a couple blocks as hes pissing lol? Dogs piss on my lawn too. I have yet to see a dog owner try and control their dog from pissing anywhere.....its a large enough task for some just to pick up after their dog. Just the way it is. Havent seen a by law against it.
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I must of missed the piss on command part during all the obediance courses I took and how to overcome mother natures tendency to make intact males mark territory.
Unfortunately my street has house after house before getting to the park so uf he doesnt piss on the second or third neighbours lawn he will on 6th or tenths. Am i supposed to drag my dog a couple blocks as hes pissing lol? Dogs piss on my lawn too. I have yet to see a dog owner try and control their dog from pissing anywhere.....its a large enough task for some just to pick up after their dog. Just the way it is. Havent seen a by law against it.

I must of missed the piss on command part during all the obediance courses I took and how to overcome mother natures tendency to make intact males mark territory.
Unfortunately my street has house after house before getting to the park so uf he doesnt piss on the second or third neighbours lawn he will on 6th or tenths. Am i supposed to drag my dog a couple blocks as hes pissing lol? Dogs piss on my lawn too. I have yet to see a dog owner try and control their dog from pissing anywhere.....its a large enough task for some just to pick up after their dog. Just the way it is. Havent seen a by law against it.

We used to take ours into our back yard and let her take her dump / whizz. Then we went to the park plastic bag in hand in case. Minimal spread of manures.
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