Someone complained about our house to the city

This is news to me. I had no idea I could make a complaint about a neighbour. But does the neighbour find out who made the complaint? If not, my douchey, skeety neighbour behind me might get a visit — about his running ATVs around the street all hours of the night, and throwing bonfire parties in the guest parking. How dare him not invite us! LOL
This is news to me. I had no idea I could make a complaint about a neighbour. But does the neighbour find out who made the complaint? If not, my douchey, skeety neighbour behind me might get a visit — about his running ATVs around the street all hours of the night, and throwing bonfire parties in the guest parking. How dare him not invite us! LOL

You know, that's irritating..but it's worse when your neighbour decides to let his house look like a crack's kinda hard on your property value...
Had a neighbor who moved the stack of used tires he collected from his backyard to inside his house after a complaint.

I don't think he understood the message, but that was before I moved in.
I only saw the 7 large bins that it took to empty the place after he died.
This is news to me. I had no idea I could make a complaint about a neighbour. But does the neighbour find out who made the complaint? If not, my douchey, skeety neighbour behind me might get a visit — about his running ATVs around the street all hours of the night, and throwing bonfire parties in the guest parking. How dare him not invite us! LOL

No, the city won't disclose who filed the complaint. They will investigate and determine if there is a bylaw violation or not and then address the issue with the neighbour.
If your too lazy to cut your lawn or spray your weeds, the city will do it for you. They'll send you the bill along with your fine.
Give the officer a call. Some municipalities only have one courtesy call and then after that they will start the clock , like the City of Barrie,
By-law 2011-107​
OFFICE CONSOLIDATIONThe Corporation of the City of Barrie Yard Maintenance By-law 7. FAILURE TO COMPLY – WORK DONE BY CORPORATION
7.1. Where an​
owner, having been served with a notice, fails to comply with the noticewithin the time specified, an officer or the City’s employees or agents authorized forthis purpose may, upon producing appropriate identification when requested, enteronto the property at a reasonable time and carry out any or all of the work describedin the notice.
8.1. The municipal service fees for the administration and enforcement of this By-law shallbe in accordance with the​
City’s Fees By-law and any revisions thereto.8.2. Service fees for the administration and enforcement of this By-law may be appliedwhen a contravention has been confirmed by an officer.
9.1. Where the​
City, its employees or authorized agents have performed the workrequired to bring the property into compliance with the By-law, all expenses incurredby the City in doing the work as well as any related fees, shall be deemed to be taxesand may be collected by action or the costs may be added to the tax roll for the

If you give the officer a call and find out what the problem is, then he or she will give you time to remedy the problem. If not, the officer will get the problem remedied for you and put it on your taxes, this includes the officers time, admin costs and what ever costs they can think of.

Nosy neighbours are cowardly little pests. If something bothers them that much all they have to do is knock on the door and politely ask that you mow the lawn or take care of whatever it is that's seemingly out of order. If repeated attempts fail and it still bothers them then they can call mommy but not before. Neighbours like these are far worse than those who occasionally neglect to mow their lawn.

Someone in my old neighbourhood complained once because after I had shoveled the driveway AND 30 metres of sidewalk I didn't salt it. For the record, I did salt it but there was a span of maybe 10 minutes that I was inside warming up and resting after shoveling a crap load of snow by myself. And it wasn't even icy on the walk, just a compressed layer of snow.
Nosy neighbours are cowardly little pests. If something bothers them that much all they have to do is knock on the door and politely ask that you mow the lawn or take care of whatever it is that's seemingly out of order.

Good luck with that!!! :-)
My lawyer said it best: "It's better to get along with your neighbors"
Before you go start knocking on doors asking your neighbours who complained, rembember it does not have to be an a next door neighbour who complained. Or the municipality may be doing proactive enforcement on certain areas of the city, or the councillor compained because they got a complaint from someone.
I had neighbours complaining about dog to the city when she was in heat for the first time. Called the officer and the officer suggested "get rid of the dog"
I had neighbours complaining about dog to the city when she was in heat for the first time. Called the officer and the officer suggested "get rid of the dog"

It's a valid suggestion if you can't control your dumb dog.
I should complain about that guy that have his dog piss on my lawn on a regular basis.
Apparently my lawn looks like a toilet
How can you fix something if the notice doesn't tell you what you're supposed to fix? Aren't there any instructions on it at all?

From above post #29 for example "... fails to comply with the notice..." - so it should be telling you to do something, no?
I've had by-law called twice. I was hound and apparently didn't learn the first time. They came and left a sheet of paper with the infraction and what to do to fix the problem. I had some tools and kids toys on the front lawn. In hindsight it really looked like crap, but at the time I was livid.
In hindsight it really looked like crap, but at the time I was livid.

Yeah, that's most people's first response..nobody likes to be told what to do..which is why the cold call on the front door isn't very good for neighbour relations. But the by-law rules exist for a reason...some complaints are obviously not very always have that one neighbour.... :-)
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