some really scary **** happened yesterday (non motorcycle related)!

I call BS. It's perfectly legal to walk down the middle of the street with an air gun/pistol with a muzzle velocity of less than 152.4 m/second.

right, but this wasn't a plastic airsoft gun.......

most bb/pellet guns are 250+ meaning they are to be treated as firearms!
right, but this wasn't a plastic airsoft gun.......

most bb/pellet guns are 250+ meaning they are to be treated as firearms!

wrong. Most pellet guns are at way under 495 fps, which is the point at which they go from being a "toy" to a fire arm. To buy one that goes over that rating, you need a PAL.

I bought one at TSC for kicks last year (ok, so we were getting rid of some squirrels) and there was a very noticeable delay from the trigger pull until the sound of the pellet hitting at only 20 feet. SLOW... Slower than the time it takes for an arrow from my bow shooting at roughly 200 FPS.

The "good" ones you get at Canadian tire might be hitting 400. Still legally sold to anyone over 18, license or not.
Hmmm I call cow caca.
Years ago we were smoking in a coffee shop and one of my friends had one of those little gun lighters.
Yep the cops were called lol.
Ahhh good times :).
I call BS. It's perfectly legal to walk down the middle of the street with an air gun/pistol with a muzzle velocity of less than 152.4 m/second.

but the one they make these days look super real, have the same weight etc. Mine was a gas one so you get that real recoil. Too bad its gone, cops must be playing with it.
I don't think it's on your criminal record, but cops keep track of any time they are involved.... like 6-7 years ago a plane window almost landed on me. Years later a cop ran my I.D, and he inquired about my "plane accident". I wonder what their files say about you now ahhaaha.
I don't think it's on your criminal record, but cops keep track of any time they are involved.... like 6-7 years ago a plane window almost landed on me. Years later a cop ran my I.D, and he inquired about my "plane accident". I wonder what their files say about you now ahhaaha.

if they keep it on file for that long those ****ers could write a biography on me...
Social engineering to create a culture that fears guns and gun owners. Didn't you know that pellet guns are a gateway weapon to the notorious & evil baby-killing Ruger Mini-14 and other "bad scary guns"? You sir, have been corrected - LOL!
A: Sign of the 'times' sadly...

B: Reaction depends largely on the cops involved and locale - cause I'm sure if what I'm telling had happened here, it would have been a different situation. I used to compete in Provincial Biathlon back in SK. We were doing a magazine shoot and had our rifles with us and were in one of the parks we train in. Guess someone called and cops showed up. They just spoke to the coach and confirmed there was no ammo and we'd actually done something to make them technically inoperable (temporarily). After that, they hung out for a bit to watch us ski and then were on their way.
Sounds legit to me. I went to North Toronto C.I. and either in 96 or 97 one of my buds brought a paint ball hand gun to school, that looked real. We were all hanging out on the side walk across from the paid parking lot and someone called it in. Cops came from the east and west side of the street and surrounded us. At least 6 cruisers and 8 officers with guns drawn on us, and some had even pulled out the shot guns from trunks. They already knew it was my buddy with the gun from the description and since he had many run ins with the police they called him out by name and had him in the middle of the street on his knees and hands on his head then cuffed and searched him.

While they had pulled up he had hid the "gun" in the telephone booth in the parking lot and the cops told him he was lucky he was not holding the gun they would have shot first and asked questions later. For me it was a cool experience, for my other friends it was not. Everyone was freaking out and the cops where yelling at us to show our hands. I simply put them in front of me. I looked over and everyone had their hands up and looked scared. I was a pretty dumb teen though, thought I was invisible and wasn't really scared of anything.
They took the bb gun away to destroy it, deleted all the footage that we spent 2 hours on but didn't lay any charges.

Really? Why don't you just "Undelete" them?
I still don't understand why the police would confiscate your BB gun. There's no law against having one in public.

BTW: don't tell the police you are using "replica guns". "Replica guns" are prohibited and you will definitely get their interest -- in a bad way. If you're just using BB guns, I'd just refer to them as that: "BB guns"
No idea why they would delete your video... Or why they even have the right to view it?

If you were seriously out of a busy area and minding your own I can't see why after they realized what you were up to that they wouldn't have just at least only told you it wasn't a good idea and set you on your way, as what you were doing isn't exactly illegal... Hell, you could almost do it with a real fire arm and get away with it, not that you should EVER point even a BB gun at a person.

As a kid I used to walk past the 6 houses on my street with my pellet gun in hand to the bush lot and fields at the end of the street to go in and shoot at whatever, and there were people that were walking around in there on the trails all the time. I would just cock the gun so the barrel was obviously open, let the people go by and then continue my fun. Not once did I ever have a cop show up at the door or stop me.

These days, I'm afraid about the 50 feet between the front door and the back of my truck when I have my gun in a case and I'm going hunting, if someone driving by or a neighbour sees it if I'll have cops pulling me over once I get on the road.
Man do I ever hate this over sensitive society we live in!

Well said! I couldn't agree with you more!
when you write the next software for Canon cameras, you can include this feature!!!

you never heard of "un-delete"? Kids today.:rolleyes:

Look it up... If you re-used your SD card (or what ever you used) then you're SOL.
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