one of them was an ahole. He asked me why am I doing this?? And i replied like 10 times that i do visual effects and it is just my hobby. And then he would say "you are not answering my question??"
i am still a bit shaky folks. how long does it stay on record though? My record was super clean, lol.
Okay, hold actually shidoobied your pants??? This story is weird.
Did they charge you with something?
No thank God they didn't.
so why would it go on record?
you have no idea how it feels when there are guns right on your head. i didn't **** my pants for real.
Literally: adverb : meaning: actually; without exaggeration or inaccuracy: i.e. The city was literally destroyed.![]()
These days, I'm afraid about the 50 feet between the front door and the back of my truck when I have my gun in a case and I'm going hunting, if someone driving by or a neighbour sees it if I'll have cops pulling me over once I get on the road.
Man do I ever hate this over sensitive society we live in!
yea i know. But no i didn't actually shwrewrt my pants. Would've been funny though, may be not!
If your lying about your unsoiled underpants why should we believe you now? You have no evidence except your word which means nothing now...we've already exposed one of your lies and it's only Post #29.
Thats what is bugging me!! At that time i had no idea what was happening, everything seemed to be spinning and the idea of me getting shot and my kid left like that just really shocked me. But thats what i heard the officer say that it will go on record.
visual effects as a hobby? you running around sporting a huge turd hammock in the back of your pants would be a pretty amusing visual effect. just sayin...
Thats what is bugging me!! At that time i had no idea what was happening, everything seemed to be spinning and the idea of me getting shot and my kid left like that just really shocked me. But thats what i heard the officer say that it will go on record.
It will go into Toronto police records as a interaction with police. It will not show up as a charge or a conviction, but when Toronto Police Services run your name through the system on a later date they may simply ask you about the incident.
If your lying about your unsoiled underpants why should we believe you now? You have no evidence except your word which means nothing now...we've already exposed one of your lies and it's only Post #29.