Some else deserves this parking ticket

I wouldn't waste the money on a disc lock at all. Look at a good alarm, even with a pager. I went with scorpio. Worth the $$$
Atleast you can use the video clip in court to get the ticket dropped which is a good thing, get yourself an alarm on the bike like the Scorpio 9000 it's not cheap but this way it will have a proximity sensor & instant paging to your phone if anyone gets close or touches the bike!
Went in and applied for a court date today. Will keep the thread updated with any progress for anyone who is interested.

I appreciate everyone's advice on security systems. While it's not what a lot of people have suggested, I think I've found a solution that works for me.

I grabbed a 2 way alarm. It's doesn't have proximity because I think that would be more a problem for me than a useful feature. I regularly park downtown where cars + people often walk within a foot or two of my bike. If it was going off all the time because some one/thing got close, it would go off 20-30 times a day. It would annoy everyone around the bike, and I would begin to ignore the pages. If I lived farther out of the city where I was normally in a stall parking spot, it would be a different story.

I'm also still looking and planning on getting some disc locks. This incident has reinforced the idea that there are idiots out there who consider nothing more than what's convenient for them. I'm not sure how much a beeping alarm would deter people from touching my bike even on a busy street. I'd like to make it has hard as possible physically to move my bike. I'm thinking I'll get 2 disk locks so that I can place them as close as possible on either side of the fork + caliper. That should grant the smallest amount of movement in both directions and the least damage should anyone try to push the bike (or god forbid I forget and drive off with them still on). Also thinking one of those reminder cables might be a good idea. $4 could save a lot of damage, money, and embarrassment, and help highlight the fact that no one is moving my bike without lifting it and they shouldn't bother touching it.
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The sensitivity of proximity alarms is tuneable. I've had one set for anything from walking within 6 feet of it, to actually putting a hand on the seat.

Pagers are frequently useless, as they are generally line of sight rather than cellular. Get a city block away, or a few concrete walls between you and your bike, and you won't hear a thing.

If you use a disk lock make sure that you place it so that when you roll the bike out, you'll have it moving the minimum distance possible before it hits the stops. That stops you from causing damage if you forget and try to ride away, with it still in place.
Like leaving the bike in gear, they'll roll it, get freaked when it stops moving and drop the bike.

Can't win.
Isn't it proper to leave the bike parked in gear? I always do. Otherwise if there is any kind of incline it will roll. They should find out pretty quick that it's in gear... probably before they put the kickstand up unless your chain slack is really bad.
Locks the front brake. Anybody can move a bike as was proven, just another deterrent.

I didn't realize that. I saw the photo and thought it would just stop the front brake + throttle from being used. Didn't realize it kept the brake on.
Left work today and got a scare. Walked to where I left my bike this morning and didn't see it between any of the cars. At first I thought someone stole it, but when I crossed the street I realized what had happened.

Some ******* moved my bike! I'm not sure if some cars shuffled and he thought I was too far away and taking up too much space, of if he was just an *******, but someone(s) rolled my bike back onto the sidewalk. The steering was locked, so it ended up parallel to the road.

Not only that, but when I finally got to it, I found a $60 parking ticket for parking on the sidewalk.

Has this ever happened to anyone? I have always been concerned about people stealing my bike, or ****ing with it, but not illegally parking it while I was away.

Assuming I go in and fight it with nothing but my word, what do you think my chances are of getting it dropped? I took a photo when I found it, but I don't have one for where I left it so not sure what that'll be good for. I'm thinking of going into the building I was in front of to see if they have security footage, but I don't know if they even have cameras, if they captured anything, or if they'll give it to me.

It happened to me about 4 years ago on Front Street between Bay and Yonge. I came out after 5pm, and my bike was still backed to the curb, but at a different angle and not as close to the scooter I had parked beside. The more exciting part was rolled up bit of yellow tucked into my seat. $475 for parking in a handicap loading zone without a permit.
When I went to court I had all of kind of arguments prepared about how easy it was to move a bike, and I had pictures of the bike. I told the prosecutor I intended to plead not guilty and asked about using the picture. He wasn't happy. When I showed it to him, he said "the back tire is clearly in the zone!" I agreed. He says "whatever, it's your trial. We'll ask the officer when he gets here." So I did - super friendly guy. I showed him the pic and he says "oh! that's your bike - you park there all the time!" "Well not right there", I replied. "No" he says, "I thought it was strange too. We're not supposed to, but I took a picture on my phone. What were you thinking?" I pointed to the scooter in the photo. "See that scooter? I parked beside him." "Wow" he said, "So do you think somebody moved it to fit in there?"
Didn't go to trial - When my turn came up the prosecutor withdrew the charge. The JP had quite a surprised expression as I thanked the court and left.

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