So who's out there riding taking chances ?

Although, are there any six digit motorcycle plates? This person was a moron. The fake isn't great and a cop should have easily been alerted to the shadiness. It may even be car size. They definitely used a car plate template.
Seen a few of these - sold as 'novelty plates' to hang on your wall.
The first clue is Yours To Discover - mc plates don't have that.
You can bet your bottom dollar there are other 'issues' to be dealt with when pulled over.
Here is a scenario !!
You are illegally riding your brand new $30,000 bike without plates or insurance.
You are hit by a car (their fault) and writes off your bike.
Do you have any recourse to claim damages to your motorcycle and person?????
Lets hear from all the budding lawyers out there.
Here is a scenario !!
You are illegally riding your brand new $30,000 bike without plates or insurance.
You are hit by a car (their fault) and writes off your bike.
Do you have any recourse to claim damages to your motorcycle and person?????
Lets hear from all the budding lawyers out there.
That's an interesting one. Cops probably already handed you a $5000 ticket. You don't have a lot to lose in terms of insurance consequences imo. Now, with no fault insurance, you are supposed to call your insurance company and they pay. You don't have somebody to call in this case. Do you go after the uninsured vehicle section of the car's policy?
An unplated vehicle can be parked anywhere the property owner allows. Police can however go onto private property to ticket a vehicle with an invalid plate.

A truck owner wasn't using a vehicle they bought but never plated. To keep it from looking abandoned they stuck an old plate on it. A cop noticed it had a car plate and ticketed it. With ALPR it's easier.
Oh I'm aware, it wasn't really a question.

The problem with ALPR is, it doesn't read plates bent/mounted at an angle.
Oh I'm aware, it wasn't really a question.

The problem with ALPR is, it doesn't read plates bent/mounted at an angle.
I wonder how much smarter the software has gotten. It would be great if it could flag vehicles it saw where it couldn't find/read the plate. That is probably far more important and prevalent than fake plates. Obviously not that easy to code though.
Here is a scenario !!
You are illegally riding your brand new $30,000 bike without plates or insurance.
You are hit by a car (their fault) and writes off your bike.
Do you have any recourse to claim damages to your motorcycle and person?????
Lets hear from all the budding lawyers out there.
Obviously you can sue them and their insurance company, so yes.
It is easy to find a lawyer to file a civil suit against an insurance company.
It is a lot harder to win!
It is easy to find a lawyer to file a civil suit against an insurance company.
It is a lot harder to win!
Well, you may deserve to win in that case. You also deserve to get charged and convicted for driving without insurance. Court is always a crapshoot and what is deserved doesn't always translate into the judgement.
It is easy to find a lawyer to file a civil suit against an insurance company.
It is a lot harder to win!
Under the circumstances you listed, probably shouldn't be that hard.

I expect you'll wait a long time for your money though.
Here is a scenario !!
You are illegally riding your brand new $30,000 bike without plates or insurance.
You are hit by a car (their fault) and writes off your bike.
Do you have any recourse to claim damages to your motorcycle and person?????
Lets hear from all the budding lawyers out there.
Nope you are sol in Ontario same as if you had opted out of damage coverage. Your vehicle is your problem in Ontario no matter whose fault. Take a look at the recent changes if you don't buy extra coverage you are on the hook even when not your fault. You are not allowed to sue either without meeting exceptional circumstances.

Sent from the future
You are not allowed to sue either without meeting exceptional circumstances.

Sent from the future
Wat?? You don't need insurance to sue someone, what trickery is this.
You cannot sue another party for vehicle accidents in Ontario. That is the point of no fault. There are exceptions but no many

Sent from the future
Makes sense I suppose, but I plan to look into this more.

Thanks for the heads up!
You cannot sue another party for vehicle accidents in Ontario. That is the point of no fault. There are exceptions but no many

Sent from the future
But since you can sue the other person's insurance company for long term injury related damages, I would suspect that you could also sue the person for the same if they had no insurance. Not sure if the injury component vs property dammage are treated differently.
But since you can sue the other person's insurance company for long term injury related damages, I would suspect that you could also sue the person for the same if they had no insurance. Not sure if the injury component vs property dammage are treated differently.
First you have to sue your insurance company. Basically, regardless of whose fault the car accident is, your first source of recovery will be your own insurance company. Even if the car accident wasn’t your fault whatsoever, you will first need to make a claim from your own insurance company. You may claim such things as the replacement value of your vehicle, attendant care benefits, housekeeping benefits, home maintenance benefits, income replacement benefits, death benefits, funeral benefits, medical benefits and rehabilitative benefits. All of these benefits are called accident benefits. You will hear the term accident benefits a lot if you were involved in a car accident.

In the event that your own car insurance company does not pay you the accident benefits which you’re entitled to following your car accident; then your personal injury lawyer may have to sue your own insurance company. You might be thinking: “Why would my own car insurance company not pay me what I’m entitled to after me car accident?”. Well, insurance companies are very good at taking your premiums for car insurance, but not as good paying out benefits. The more benefits they have to pay out to you, and other car accident victims like you, the less money for their bottom line.

Sent from the future
Totally agree.

I actually had to sue my own insurance company and the other drivers insurance company because they were each lowballing me after an accident where the other driver was 100% at fault.

I won both because each settled out of court.
Totally agree.

I actually had to sue my own insurance company and the other drivers insurance company because they were each lowballing me after an accident where the other driver was 100% at fault.

I won both because each settled out of court.
For those that make it to court, judge should quadruple judgement to punish insurance companies bad behaviour. That would serve to drag up initial settlement offers as they want to avoid the hammer.
A lot of you are missing the point.
In this scenario the motorcycle has no insurance and the driver is illegally operating it.
A lot of you are missing the point.
In this scenario the motorcycle has no insurance and the driver is illegally operating it.
Pretty sure they are screwed in Ontario. And on the hook for everything without insurance the other driver has no obligation to cover any of their losses under no fault. If they can prove a permanent life altering injury there might be a small chance they can sue for that.

Sent from the future
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