Well-known member
So this isn't your typical daily routine as gtam was lead to believe?Here is a "fantasy" that I'm sure many of you have had. I know I have:
I've fantasized about walking into my condo parking lot and seeing three dudes trying to lift my bike into a van. I can feel the rage building inside of me, and than I picture myself running at them and dropping one of them with a right hook to the face breaking his jaw and watching his unconscious body hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes. I picture dude number two taking a swing at me, dodging said punch and than following it up with an uppercut into the mid section. I picture the guy hitting the ground while gasping for air. I picture the third guy jumping in the van and driving off to the sound of screeching tires, and the smell of burning rubber. I picture the look of horror in his eyes driving away as he sees me kicking hit buddy in the head with my size 12 boot, breaking his teeth. I imagine following this up with two more kicks and watching his blood and teeth splatter all over the concrete floor. As I watch him desperately trying to breathe through the blood in his mouth and nostrils I picture myself crouching over him and whispering in his ear "I'm not calling the police, I'm going to take care of you myself". I than slowly walk away and grab a 2x4 nearby and than start pummeling him with it as he futilely begs for his life. Just as he stops screaming (and breathing) the other dude regains contiousness and the fun continues...
Yes, I've actually thought about this several times.