So M13 got effed up REAL bad

I think it's completely different when someone gets themselves into a mess and then goes begging for help. This guy lives in Taiwan, he must have some concept of 'losing face'. Never mind the over the top hyperbole he is spewing, like his kid has no financial future, has lost his dad, and other such nonsense.

I know exactly what you mean by this, lol. In Asian countries its a shame to beg. Cultures are different
I know exactly what you mean by this, lol. In Asian countries its a shame to beg. Cultures are different

Unless you are a monk. Then it's noble.

Looks like he won't be riding for a while if ever. He looks like he's in rough shape. Regardless if you donate or not, it's something to keep into perspective when we ride -- I know often times even I forget about the possible implications of riding and it's good to just keep this at the back of your head so you're safe at all times.

It's sad though, guy looked like he had full gear in his original picture (if his gloves were removed, otherwise he probably wasn't wearing gloves and you could disregard that prior statement) meanwhile I can go through tonnes of videos on youtube of stunting squids who crash and get up scotch free. The broken bones I can understand, no leathers would protect that, but the ripped up hands are relatively freaky to think about in comparison to those aforementioned squids on youtube.

Needless to say from the extent of his injuries, he seems pretty lucky to be alive and he doesn't seem too bothered by the idea he'll be missing a couple fingers maybe because he knows that a the loss of a couple fingers is better than the loss of the life and leaving behind your kid.

I Feel bad for the guy.
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He has a pretty cute nurse. I'm jealous
This is Psycho44 here, can't remember my login details.

I'm still in Vietnam for almost a year now. Can somehow relate to a Canadian expat getting into a motorbike accident and the finances. My first week in Vietnam I got taken out by an 80 year old lady that hit me in the rear as I'm riding right next to her and she decides to turn right. Asians don't check mirrors or swivel their heads. Anyways just minor road rashes.

Getting back to M13. I had great admiration seeing his earlier videos when I got into riding. The Diesel video changed my perspective a bit. You're in Asia this is normal. We're not in Canada. Treat the locals with respect and they will treat every other Canadian that follows with the same respect. But no matter what he's a fellow Canadian and a passionate rider. Accidents happen. You have my support M13 if you still have your Canadian roots and read this.

Just some perspective from a fellow expat Canadian rider.
Are you talking moral principals?

I find a few members here solid contributors and I appreciate their input. And have stated as such and thanked them. One member in particular handles a certain facet of one corner of this forum and I always find his contributions a delight. I see value there. I guess you could say I subscribe to his thread. I hope he doesn't go away. I know others feel the same way. I have thanked him for his work.
If he posted about a horrendous life altering prang and asked for a couple bucks in no way, shape or form would I consider it some sort of breach of ethics. I would not lecture him on his misguided ways. I would not confuse him with a scam artist panhandler. Nosiree.

You're welcome man !!
Seems M13 great guy helping his fellow riders. Not afraid to ask for sponsorship. I can see why he would ask for donations as well. great trait to have.

Thanks for the link. I stopped watching his videos years ago but would love to help a brother in need. He was one of the reasons I started riding and seeing this video when I was an angsty 16 year old did a lot for me at the time: [video=youtube;HguIe5oE0Qo][/video]
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