So M13 got effed up REAL bad

Between watching the ticats and putting down hardwood floor I can't devote much time to tell you guys how wrong and misguided you are. Watch this space.

would you give this^^ guy money:D
You don't have to give but if you were a fan of his, as many people obviously are, and enjoyed his ongoing antics it would feel good to throw a couple bucks his way. No? If one of the regulars on this site needed help post crash I'm sure most would throw in.

Agreed. I find him to be cocky and kind of a ******, but I've had many laughs watching his videos and they helped me as a newbie. I donated, I expect most of his fans will cough up a couple bucks.
He got me into riding when i used to watch him, I'll probably send a couple bucks his way.

Dont know why people are so against sending money to youtubers. They arent forcing anyone to do anything so deal with it. Subaruwrxfan recently took a shitstorm because he accepted 5 or 6 grand to cover the difference to buy the mustang eco boost.
I wonder how many charity funds were started for good old Evel Kneivel?He sure crashed enough and broke enough bones.
I wonder how many charity funds were started for good old Evel Kneivel?He sure crashed enough and broke enough bones.

He's Canadian, he's recently/in the process of becoming divorced, has a kid, has a quirky sense of humor, he entertains, and he's a rider who has found himself in a tough spot.
Never heard of the guy. I hope he recovers quickly so he can pay his bills like a big boy.

People are shameless.

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He's Canadian, he's recently/in the process of becoming divorced, has a kid, has a quirky sense of humor, he entertains, and he's a rider who has found himself in a tough spot.

oh that poor poor soul

i'll just send him my Visa
Money is better served helping animal shelters.
I think he's asking like a buck or two from the many people who seemed to enjoy watching him. There's an established connection. But you guys go ahead and take your righteous stand.
I think he's asking like a buck or two from the many people who seemed to enjoy watching him. There's an established connection. But you guys go ahead and take your righteous stand.
Yeah bahaha. For real. youtube is free and these guys do it for fun and for chump change and for our entertainment. God forbid some people who take the motovlogging scene relatively seriously try to help others out without people crying about it.

There are plenty of injustices in the world worth breaking a sweat over, and im with you in agreement that this isnt one of them. Asking a couple of bucks from viewers after offering a free service for them for ages isnt a bad thing, i dont know why people are up in arms as if this guy just killed an infant.
I think he's asking like a buck or two from the many people who seemed to enjoy watching him. There's an established connection. But you guys go ahead and take your righteous stand.

+ 1
I think he's asking like a buck or two from the many people who seemed to enjoy watching him. There's an established connection. But you guys go ahead and take your righteous stand.

This thread is very interesting to me. Particularly the thick line between those who obviously watch his channel and the "grow up" crowd

This is the first video I ever watched after deciding to take up riding:

Don't worry, I kicked in an extra couple bucks for the naysayers too
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I don't know the guy & I don't watch much YouTube stuff, but my son does. He watches these gamers do whatever it is they do. He uses most of his electronics time (he's 11, I monitor his time) on it. If I watched something that much, and the guy couldn't work, I would pitch in a few bucks.
Inreb basically said the same thing.
Paul mentioned about the fellow GTAMer that did something similar but cheated people out of their money (I'm paraphrasing, I'm not familiar with the situation, making my own assumptions), and that may make it harder for them to give next time. But people are always going to take advantage of those who are giving. It's $h**, but it's reality. But I don't want to live a life of negativity. I might be considered a sucker, but IDGAF. If I feel like giving a beggar some spare change, I will. If he has more cash than I do, oh well.
The other day at work this happened: We're doing a Christmas food drive. In the box was a bottle of "Bomba" a hot, oil based dip for bread. My boss said "guess someone didn't like this". Wtf? I want to believe that someone likes it so much, that they wanted to share their love with people that wouldn't normally have access to it. I cannot and will not be so cynical.
Now, reading the way this guy posted, and asked for cash, came off a little cheesy, desperate, and he was pulling at peoples emotions. And no, I'm not giving. I have other charities that I want to give to.
This is just a little more than my two cents.
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If you have a kid and do not have a plan for his economical well being when you know you participate on a dangerous sport, you are an idiot and I prefer to use my money on people/things/animals that deserve it.

Each person has their own decision to make on it.

Just my opinion, that is what a forum is for.
Each person has their own decision to make on it.

Just my opinion, that is what a forum is for.

Absolutely. You just go ahead and direct both dollars where you see fit. Aren't forums great?
If you have a kid and do not have a plan for his economical well being when you know you participate on a dangerous sport, you are an idiot and I prefer to use my money on people/things/animals that deserve it.

Each person has their own decision to make on it.

Just my opinion, that is what a forum is for.

I felt bad for M13, I really did.

So I just forwarded an email to him from a Nigerian prince that wants to give me millions of dollars he inherited.

Im sure M13 can use the money more than I can in his time of need.....
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