Small trailers?

A possible source of trailers is a trailer park. Sometimes people abandon wrecks and they get hauled into the bush.

For the record, RV frames only work well in conversions to other things *if* you make sure the decking you attach is secured in a million places to add torsional rigidity. On their own, they're waaaay flexible usually as they rely on the structure of the trailer (that's no longer there) as some of that rigidity.

And yes, you'll end up with a leaf-over (rides high) axle that is probably 3500# rated (assuming a single axle trailer) that will likely ride like a tank unless you re-do the springs.

After you pay to demo the trailer and rework everything they're seldom worth the effort in the end. ;)
I have a Stinger that I bought from a member here.
The chains, and the 3/8" bar were missing, and had to be replaced.
It didn't come with a wheel chock, or foot boards, so my trunk is full of scrap 2x10s when I tow (to put the sidestand on while loading).
It runs really low, and I've been told has smallish tires, and a wobbly front end, but seems to work well enough.
I haven't actually tried leaning it against the wall, as the cross shape and low profile allowed it to slide into a small space under something else.

Apparently, the newer ones fold up around the tires, so are easy to lean, and have the wheel chock & foot boards.
H.Q. in Cambridge Ontario.
It looked like they were on sale for $1,999, with free shipping, but I'm not sure how you get that number to show on the cart.
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Question regarding these bolted / folding trailers....

is it plausible to disassemble it when not needed and then just assemble a few days before use? Wife said she doesn’t want it in the front of the house so not many options.
Question regarding these bolted / folding trailers....

is it plausible to disassemble it when not needed and then just assemble a few days before use? Wife said she doesn’t want it in the front of the house so not many options.
Not really. Too much work, especially if you have a deck bolted to all the parts, wiring etc. If you have solid ground through your gate, you can roll the HF folder (and clones) around on casters when it is folded up which should fit through most gates. It is not the strongest or most stable when doing that so expect the brackets holding the castors to slowly bend after some repetitions.
Question regarding these bolted / folding trailers....

is it plausible to disassemble it when not needed and then just assemble a few days before use? Wife said she doesn’t want it in the front of the house so not many options.
I'd say it's plausible, but nowhere near desirable. Mine doesn't even fold, and when I was doing the dirtbike thing more often I'd leave the bike loaded on the trailer all the time. It's small and light enough to drag into the garage by hand, even with a bike on it. If I unloaded the bike, I'd find myself on Friday thinking about whether I was going to go riding on Saturday, and the answer started to be "nah" if I had to drag all the gear up from the basement, pack a lunch, gas up, load the bike on the trailer, etc. Keeping everything ready to go reduced the do-nothing-by-default reflex.

The answer for you, of course, is to skip the trailer entirely and just leave the bike at the cottage. And buy another for the house...
Question regarding these bolted / folding trailers....

is it plausible to disassemble it when not needed and then just assemble a few days before use? Wife said she doesn’t want it in the front of the house so not many options.

Well, there are options, but they're all pricey.

You're basically looking at a Trailer-In-A-Bag or a stand-up with a small footprint, like a Stinger or Kendon.
I'll just have my butler take care of it.

Seriously though, it's a legitimate, if the firstest of first world problems.
Plausible but no way in hell recommended.
Too much time wasted in dismantling and re-assembly. It would defeat the purpose of it and not make you want to take the bike or other toys/cargo with you if you needed to do this every time.

Do you have a buddy with some extra space on his property? Ideally close by within 45-60 min drive.
Buy the trailer, store it at his place and tell him he is welcome to use it as your payment for for storage fees. ;)

Trailers are not a necessity to city living but are nice to have, or at least have quick access to one.
I bought a 5.5x8 galvanized utility trailer from a member here about 8yrs ago for $575 and have found it to be worth its weight in gold the amount it gets used.
Hauled new lawn mower home this week. Been moving dead trees from property the past month. Helped SIL move last month. FIL using it to haul his new mower home this weekend. Point being, a good one comes in very handy.
I bought a 5.5x8 galvanized utility trailer from a member here about 8yrs ago for $575 and have found it to be worth its weight in gold the amount it gets used.
Hauled new lawn mower home this week. Been moving dead trees from property the past month. Helped SIL move last month. FIL using it to haul his new mower home this weekend. Point being, a good one comes in very handy.

Call me crazy.

I moved my house with mine.(well.... The stuff in it)
We were moving just around the block and had 2.5 weeks to move.
Worked really well.
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