
I was reading that estimates are ~ $450M worth of goodscross the bridge daily add to this that the repair cost and other economicimpact, people cancelling travel plans to anything north of the lake… Looks like this is easily a $2 Billion, 4 day weekend, probably significantly more Wow!
is it true that if the driver did this in india or pakistan, he would've been publicly stoned to death?

Don't know for sure but if it was woman driver then yes for sure.
I was reading that estimates are ~ $450M worth of goodscross the bridge daily add to this that the repair cost and other economicimpact, people cancelling travel plans to anything north of the lake… Looks like this is easily a $2 Billion, 4 day weekend, probably significantly more Wow!

The repairs to the bridge seems hopefully will be paid by someones insurance but the collateral damage is questionable. The $450 million worth of goods were not lost, just delayed in delivery. Some perishable goods may have to be tossed.

The patch up to get the road open wasn't cheap. They didn't create a bidding situation. Double time at least for everyone and don't spare the horses.

I don't know if claims will be honoured for:

Loss of time by businesses in doing detours.

Loss of income by businesses in the peninsula, NOTL, NF etc.

Personal losses of time by individuals stuck on bridge, forced to take detours.

I'm pretty sure insurance only covers direct damage. For collateral damage individuals would have to sue. That's a long and expensive road with a questionable outcome.
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T... but the collateral damage is questionable. The $450 million worth of goods were not lost, just delayed in delivery. Some perishable goods may have to be tossed.

agreed this is why i termed it as economic impact or if you prefer disruption and not loss. As you noted much of the $450M in goods would be rerouted or delayed, but this does not mean that lost production times whether good are perishable or not can be made up.

In the end, the reality of this is that there is a whole crap load of money impacted or lost both in hard and soft costs beyond just the repair bill
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