Newsflash and what most guys don't don't have to be married...once she lives with you 6 months or visits and sleeps over 3 times per week you could easily be on the hook for alimony. A little reading reveals a lot. There is actually a govt guide and agreement you can download (like a prenup).
yes, alimony is the term thrown around, but it's spousal support, and correct that after 6 months of co-habitation it's in play,
this is the part of splitting that can be litigated and where most of the fighting comes from as there are no legislated amounts
child support is simple, there's a table used to determine that down to the penny, nothing to fight about, you just gotta pay
division of assets/liabilities is straight forward, 50/50 post union, self employment can complicate this,
she can try to claim part of future earnings claiming she helped build the Co, and usually get something
but spousal support is where we get %*()%# most often....we work our ***** off to support the family,
while she rides the baby train, and we get punished for this
best advice from a guy that recently went through this: you have to starve her for a bit until she comes to her
senses, what you don't know is that long before you even know there's a problem, she will be acting on bad
advice from the ***** network and a lawyer promising a windfall, a year or so of trying to make it on her own
will smarten her up and then you can begin the spousal support negotiation, do not even talk about it until you
financially spank her a bit