should I mix?

Ruh roh. As expected, Canada's decision to follow a random and not scientifically rigorous path is having repercussions. Are those that mixed going to require a third dose to be able to travel? Any studies on three doses? Trying to study all possible combinations of three doses of different vaccines in different orders with various timings is a nightmare that will never happen.

From the article.

"On Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he’s working with other countries to make sure rules for fully vaccinated Canadian travellers are consistent.

“We’re going to continue to work with the international community to make sure that people who are fully vaccinated in ways that Canadians recognizes as safe and effective are also recognized around the world,” he said."

I'm not sure the moron in chief is going to succeed in convincing the world that the course of action we took due to him entirely screwing up the procurement process should be accepted in the absence of scientific study. It seems much more likely that they will be consistent in rejecting the Canadian hail mary until studies are published and accepted.

Edit 2:
Barbados now accepts mixed vaccines. I'm glad there was so much new science published since yesterday. /s
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