should I mix?

Everyone: There's a Pandemic


It is a little scary. But fresh lockdowns this fall.
Ya I think they’re coming. Our work is slated to come back to the office late Sept…time will tell.

But construction hasn’t stopped and it’s just a matter of time before our site gets an outbreak.
everyone has had a chance to get vacinated.
Not everyone - there are people with immunodeficiency among us and vaccine does nothing for them.

But I guess at this point it's too bad to be them - I don't think we will see any lockdowns except if ICUs will be packed again.
I think it is too late for anymore lockdowns at this point all I can see is letting things happen as they happen now that everyone has had a chance to get vacinated.

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no way, if the hospital system starts buckling again, you can bet there will be lockdowns. they really have no other choice.

we just have to hope enough people get vaxxed to keep the numbers down.

every single report I read says its the non vaxxers that are going to pay the biggest price.
I think it is too late for anymore lockdowns at this point all I can see is letting things happen as they happen now that everyone has had a chance to get vacinated.

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Reasonably agree. If lockdowns are required to limit spread after everyone that wants vaccine has had a chance, we are in trouble. If the spread is amongst the unvaccinated, either force vaccine or lock down those people. If the spread is through everyone including the vaccinated and no booster is available to help we are fuked. I could see them whacking super-spreader events (sports stadiums, conventions, etc) but doubt they will lock down individual businesses again.
good luck with that
I didn't say it was easy but it is a more politically and economically palatable response. We are over 50% fully vaccinated now. Do you lock down the majority because the minority doesn't want to play along? Obviously, some people have legitimate medical reasons and those need to be dealt with differently than people that just don't want to vaccinated. They can avoid vaccination if they choose, but that may come at a cost to their freedom to do what they want when they want.

My sister-in-law refuses to get vaccinated until the drugs are approved through normal channels (not emergency use order). My in-laws booked a one-week international family trip for their 50th wedding anniversary in February. Will she stop digging her heels in or miss the trip? Tick tock.
I totally agree with you - it's their choice and my buddy Darwin will take care of them at the end of the day.

But that's a very vocal crowd and will whine as loud as they can.
I totally agree with you - it's their choice and my buddy Darwin will take care of them at the end of the day.

But that's a very vocal crowd and will whine as loud as they can.
The problem is the impact on health care. It is all well and good to say let god sort them out, but in Canada, everybody gets an ambulance ride to the hospital and care. Say there are 30% unvax left (which is probably a low estimate) and a variant comes through that puts a much higher percentage in the hospital. We are fuked. Our ICU's are designed for small fractions of a percent of the population at any one time. There is an easily conceivable path where we could have a few percent of the population needing life support. Sadly, we will never triage based on peoples choices. You may not get treatment for your heart attack because resources are tied up treating someone that doesn't want bill gates controlling his mind.
The Pfizer is on the cusp of full FDA approval
So assume FDA grants that sometime soon, then Health Canada follows sometime later, then she tries to sign up for a shot and they aren't giving out pfizer to her age on the day she is there (many provincial clinics are pfizer for <18 and moderna for >18) so she rebooks and tries again, then waits the waiting period (what is the provincially mandated period now? still 16 weeks?) then tries again to get pfizer (and maybe does another lap as they may only want to give her moderna). All that needs to be done at least two weeks prior to Feb 24/22. So she has 32 weeks to get that done from today. I suspect she will have trouble getting it done in less than 20 weeks (I suspect clinic availability will wind down after the majority are vaccinated). So she has a little time but not much, especially if she can't get Pfizer at her first scheduled appointment each round.

On the cusp of FDA approval could still mean weeks or months and then HC probably weeks or months after that (no rush anymore, most people are already shot, more HC resources likely focused on boosters/variants).

If Pfizer doesn't get FDA approval, there is no viable path for her to maintain her moral stance and go on the trip.
Booked an appointment for tomorrow - since starting to mull over this, reckon I may as well get this **** over - done with and forgotten. Msn stats for ON had 540K infection and 9K being fatal, whether from CV or some other crap that they used to pad the stats who knows but less than 1% chance of death basically - I'd be more worried about longterm effects surviving tbh.

Have a worse headache trying to find reliable news than I'd get from Covid probably, goddam clown world I swear.
Realized going through all the documents (to get a curve of best fit on the 6 weeks of data), the UK lists June 21st in both most recent ones. I'm going to assume since it's a weekly thing, June 21st is a typo and they meant June 28th.

So if I update the numbers...

Unvaccinated Rate is simple from June 7th to June 28th
Unvaccinated 39.1% to 33.1% = 36.1%

Double Vaccinated Data is >= 14 days from second dose, so it's actually May 24th to June 14th data on vaccinations in arms.
Double vaccinated 34.9% to 45.0% = 40%

Unvaccinated 931 * (40%/36.1%) = 1,032
Vaccinated 271 * (36.1%/40%) = 246

(1,032 - 246) / (1,032) = 76.2%

Extending it a week brings it up about 3%. Still a far cry from the "official" 94%+ rate claimed.

Although that's likely to change. The narrative is already being changed slowly, warming people up to the idea...

The vaccine protected 64% of inoculated people from infection during an outbreak of the Delta variant, down from 94% before, according to Israel’s Health Ministry. It was 94% effective at preventing severe illness in the same period, compared with 97% before, the ministry said.

Soon the severe illnesses figure will be lowered, and we'll all be told to stay home until we get a booster... Then another lockdown waiting for a second booster... And on and on...
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