Sheep slaughtered in city park

He told you from the beginning he liked to. I hate people like you who need to ask 100 questions only to figure out what was told to you in the beginning.

Besides butchers kill animals on a daily basis and "like it" I suppose you should be concerned about it. Same thing goes for people who hunt their own deer, moose etc. You can buy that meat at a store. But people enjoy the hunting and killing aspect. It probably satisfies our instinctual nature to hunt and kill and thus feels good.

For cute little big city kids like yourself you can equate that feeling to when your daddy buys you an icecream.

I fail to see the value in attacking me personally, I didn't attack you. Your assumption that I am a "city kid" is baseless and entirely incorrect. The muslim man could have ended the conversation at any point he desired, he was not obligated to tell me anything. The fact that he continued to answer my questions and was eager to explain his views clearly indicated that asking those questions for the purposes of learning about him and his culture/beliefs was not an issue. It's beyond me why you have decided to own a problem that doesn't exist and isn't yours; I didn't ask you any of those questions. :roll:

Aside from that, you completely missed the point despite it being plainly stated. There is a difference between hunting deer or other animals and living in an urban area and going out of your way to kill an animal on a farm. When you slaughter an animal on a farm there is no hunting involved and many hunters like myself enjoy the part leading up to the kill not the actual kill itself. Just as many motorcyclists enjoy riding to a destination more than the destination itself.

It is generally accepted in psychology that many people who commit crimes against people involving moderate to severe bodily injury and homicide often escalate from acts of cruelty on animals. That is why when I was speaking to the muslim man I carefuly isolated the fact that he had the opportunity to avoid slaughtering the livestock by pointing out the same food was readily available without him having to kill the animal.

As for the butcher comment, most animals are killed in automated slaughter houses and the animal's body is then dismembered by the butcher. It is quite different to have a job which requires you to butcher an animal versus working in an office environment as this muslim man does.
I don't see why everyone is making a big deal over slaughtering food animals, which is something we've been doing since before we "evolved" into homo-sapiens. Then again, my dad's a country boy, so it's a pretty normal occurrence to me. The occasional piglet or lamb gets slaughtered, cleaned out and spit-roasted for a family feast (as fresh as it gets) and a larger pig gets slaughtered and the whole family gets on the task of butchering it (focus on stuff that keeps well like sausages and smoked meats) for a fall food-gathering ritual (similar to the way Thanksgiving got started). When I was a kid, my job was to cut the fat into cubes so it can be melted into lard. Mmmmmm laaard (I still use it for cooking an am damn proud of it) :cool:
Raccoons are listed as a protected fur-bearing mammal in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act regulations. There is a limited hunting season on them from Oct 15 to Jan 15 each year. You must have a small game hunting license.

They are also considered varmint animals and may be killed by farm/land owners when posing a nuisance which is why I've been lol'ing about how the city folk are going nuts over the recent case.

As for the topic on hand, I fail to see anything wrong with two people slaughtering their own food. Big city people need to wake up and realise their food doesn't magically appear at Loblaws.
He told you from the beginning he liked to. I hate people like you who need to ask 100 questions only to figure out what was told to you in the beginning.

Besides butchers kill animals on a daily basis and "like it" I suppose you should be concerned about it. Same thing goes for people who hunt their own deer, moose etc. You can buy that meat at a store. But people enjoy the hunting and killing aspect. It probably satisfies our instinctual nature to hunt and kill and thus feels good.

For cute little big city kids like yourself you can equate that feeling to when your daddy buys you an icecream.

you missed the point.

the guy in question is not hunting-- he is buying an animal so that he can kill it. No special hunting or skill needed to hold down an animal and cut its throat.

Please do not equate that to hunting, as its not close at all.

Back to the thread.......... they killed the animal for "good luck" not for food or to survive or anything else.

What i dont understand is if they were going to just leave it there or what?
As for the topic on hand, I fail to see anything wrong with two people slaughtering their own food. Big city people need to wake up and realise their food doesn't magically appear at Loblaws.

It doesn't??? I thought it's cruel to kill things like animals and potatoes. Plants can hear my music and when I talk to them too. Oh my gosh after we stop killing plants and animals there's only humans that we kill left to eat? Do Iraqi's and Libyans taste like chicken?
It doesn't??? I thought it's cruel to kill things like animals and potatoes. Plants can hear my music and when I talk to them too. Oh my gosh after we stop killing plants and animals there's only humans that we kill left to eat? Do Iraqi's and Libyans taste like chicken?

I heard that the Brazilians:
a) Have WMD's
b) Hate America
c) Have oil
d) Have Communist tendencies
e) Taste like prime rib
f) Hack
g) Pirate movies
h) Have oil

Let's hunt them down :cool:
I heard that the Brazilians:
a) Have WMD's
b) Hate America
c) Have oil
d) Have Communist tendencies
e) Taste like prime rib
f) Hack
g) Pirate movies
h) Have oil

Let's hunt them down :cool:

Ah, nah, I like the bubble butts, unlike ornimentals, the legs go to the waist.
I don't see why everyone is making a big deal over slaughtering food animals

Well, let's see here...

1) The sheep were slaughtered in a CITY PARK. Pardon me, but when did public recreational areas become killing floors?

2) The slaughter was (apparently) done for religious reasons, no mention was made if the animals were to become supper that night.

If someone wishes to kill an animal for religious reasons or for food it should be done on their own private property, with the resultant mess cleaned up by themselves. To do so anywhere in a public setting is just, for want of a better term, ****ing retarded.
Well, let's see here...

1) The sheep were slaughtered in a CITY PARK. Pardon me, but when did public recreational areas become killing floors?
.... To do so anywhere in a public setting is just, for want of a better term, ****ing retarded.

That's my only one concern that is affecting the public directly. Imagine your kid or anyone else's kid falling in that *****.
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That's my only one concern that is affecting the public directly. Imagine your kid or anyone else's kid falling in that $h!t.

Never mind falling in it, how about witnessing it?
This sounds like a job for Anders Behring Breivik , I am sure he could straighten these fellows out! :lmao:
I've got a lamb carcass hanging off the swing set in the park down the street.
Does anyone need a shank or a rack of ribs? :rolleyes:

:agave: Get off my sheep you dirty bastard!!
I'd have no problem with my kids witnessing a humane slaughter of an animal.

I witnessed that $h!t as a child and it was not exactly a very pleasant thing. I personally can't do it, but I don't mind someone else doing it just NOT IN A CITY PARK. I don't want my kids witnessing it either.
Does nobody find it puzzling somebody called 911 initially to report they saw somebody escaping from the trunk of the car, and police later found duct tape, road, and ***** in the trunk, then knives and meat cleavers?
If someone wishes to kill an animal for religious reasons or for food it should be done on their own private property, with the resultant mess cleaned up by themselves. To do so anywhere in a public setting is just, for want of a better term, ****ing retarded.

With the real-estate prices in these parts, private property is getting hard to come by. In any case, I don't make a distinction between a park and Crown Land up north, other than the number of potential witnesses. However, people have killed deer in Toronto parks without any legal repercussions before.

I witnessed that $h!t as a child and it was not exactly a very pleasant thing. I personally can't do it, but I don't mind someone else doing it just NOT IN A CITY PARK. I don't want my kids witnessing it either.

I have witnessed it in the past and would have zero issues with killing a food animal or performing a mercy killing on an animal (if necessary and no better alternative handy). Had an English teacher back in grade 11, pushing her vegetarian agenda on us.. She kept telling us how every child should witness an animal being slaughtered before they decide whether they should eat meat or not. One time, she was walking through the student caf while I had a spare, so I said "hello" to her and mentioned the fact that I witnessed numerous animals get slaughtered for food in my dad's home village just before biting into my tasty veal parmigiana sandwich.. The vegetarian propaganda stopped for a while, at least in our class :cool:
I love animals but I love eating them too so I have no issues with them being killed for eating. Seen my grandmother kill a chicken in front of me, played with a turkey before it was dinner and seen my dad skin a bunny.

I think the issue here is that it was killed in a public park. That's a bit too messed up even for me. Pore sheepy:( Bah
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