Did they ever find out who did it?
Did they ever find out who did it?
OJ? No, no, no. Those wacky hooker stiffers at the Dept. of Homeland Security pinned it on Colonel Mustard.
Him and his damned candlestick holder...
A real answer: a combination of things. There is a fair amount of evidence that Israel was involved. I'm sure this won't be popular...
It's always the Jews... I read on the interwebz that they paid Al Qaeda to do it..
+1 for Colonel Mustard.
Read up on the Project for the New American Century and ask youself who did it, given that they were planning on regime change in:
Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Sudan and Libya as early as 1997. Of those only Iran remains. Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Tunisia, Bahrain were not part of the plan. Egypt got away from the US, along with Tunisia and Yemen; all of which were already nicely in line with US policy. Bahrain is back under control thanks to a Saudi / Qatari led invasion and Somalia was too difficult to predict with the Islamic Courts so they sent it back into chaos, enlisting ethiopia and the African Union. Afghanistan has also gotten away from the US. Though not part of a war plan, there was a plan in place to run a gas pipeline south from the Tatar oil fiends through to a Pakistani port. Since the Taliban and subsequent anarchy has scuttled those plans, the Chinese and Russians have already pre-empted the US pipeline with their own East/West pipeline to supply China and Europe. America missed the boat on that one.
Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor" (51).[SUP][14]
So you're saying Col. Mustard did it?
Camp X (in Ontario) had something to say about Col. Mustard and the first Pearl Harbour too!