Self driving cars

I think traffic jams will still happen, so many condos being built, so many more people moving to this city. You just wont have as many car accidents but when you do it will be epic, some hacker will cause all the cars to crash at the same time! I would never buy one...
Only the elite like STB will own their own self-driving cars. The rest of us will subscribe to self-driving car sharing programs and request a car online where and when we need it, for pennies on the dollar.
Imagine hacking in and having all the cars move out of your way? Would take you 10 minutes to get downtown. Imagine selling people hacks that gives them SLIGHT priority in traffic. I bet that could make you some good money. Or installing a hack into your car firmware that makes it slightly more aggressive in traffic, therefore getting you to your location faster. Imagine being a cop and investigating a crash involved two autonomously driven vehicles, one or both of which might have had their firmware tampered with by the user (or a third party?). Who's at fault? How about an accident between a self driving car and YOU in your regular car. It couldn't have been the machine's faults. They don't make mistakes. Lots of interesting legal and technology issues ahead. Should be interesting to watch. I think most people don't realize that the biggest hurdle to this becoming a reality is the legal issues and not just the tech.
What legal hurdles? The only legal impediments to self-driving vehicles aren't liability, but existing road design, traffic laws, vehicle standards. Regulations that never conceived of the possibility of self-driving cars. But legislators can change those legal requirements whenever they want, it's just a matter of figuring out how the cars will be implemented and draw up rules to enable it.

It's no different from self-operating elevators when it comes to legal liability. If the elevator crashes, the company gets sued. Life moves on.
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Everything I own is manual trans

Me too....nothing more enjoyable.......driving home in rush hour traffic from downtown toronto to Oakville

My legs

only my left one is like that :(, in the winter anyway, then it switches to the right one because all my bikes are kick start!
Your left forearm.

It's no different from self-operating elevators when it comes to legal liability. If the elevator crashes, the company gets sued. Life moves on.

Elevator going up and down is a very controlled environment. The only failure would be from complete mechanical failure and even then there are safety brakes. etc. Compare that to a car, or potentially thousands of cars on the road at the same time, road conditions, traffic conditions, pedestrians, animals, etc. It's like you said, there is a crash, company gets sued, .....well, with cars, there is BOUND to be crashes, I guess any company releasing a self driving car is going to have to account for the costs of these lawsuits into the sticker price, but how much are they going to need? There is no precedent. I'm telling you, this is going to be a legal mess at least for first few years when these cars start hitting the roads. I could be wrong but I guess we'll see when it happens.
Elevator going up and down is a very controlled environment. The only failure would be from complete mechanical failure and even then there are safety brakes. etc. Compare that to a car, or potentially thousands of cars on the road at the same time, road conditions, traffic conditions, pedestrians, animals, etc. It's like you said, there is a crash, company gets sued, .....well, with cars, there is BOUND to be crashes, I guess any company releasing a self driving car is going to have to account for the costs of these lawsuits into the sticker price, but how much are they going to need? There is no precedent. I'm telling you, this is going to be a legal mess at least for first few years when these cars start hitting the roads. I could be wrong but I guess we'll see when it happens.

Yeap, chances are there will be lots of lawsuits even if the car is not at fault. People will try to blame the car.
Elevator going up and down is a very controlled environment. The only failure would be from complete mechanical failure and even then there are safety brakes. etc. Compare that to a car, or potentially thousands of cars on the road at the same time, road conditions, traffic conditions, pedestrians, animals, etc. It's like you said, there is a crash, company gets sued, .....well, with cars, there is BOUND to be crashes, I guess any company releasing a self driving car is going to have to account for the costs of these lawsuits into the sticker price, but how much are they going to need? There is no precedent. I'm telling you, this is going to be a legal mess at least for first few years when these cars start hitting the roads. I could be wrong but I guess we'll see when it happens.

Good point on the legal issues. The defense teams will theoretically consist of lawyers, automotive engineers and computer techies all bombarding a judge / magistrate with technical issues that will be hard to follow. It could be a BS baffles brains situation.

However does it matter for us here in Ontario since we have no-fault insurance?

Will these vehicles bring our rates down?
Considering the intentional crashing of that German flight, i wonder why flying isn't automated yet?

Considering how long auto pilot and drones have existed, you'd think they'd have self flying planes pretty much perfected by now.

At the very least, why aren't planes semi automatic in that if they sense the plane being flown into a mountain or building the auto pilot takes over control of the plane?
Good point. If guns can be semi-automatic why not aeroplanes? Maybe someone should start a pilot program to get this off the ground, right brother?
Considering the intentional crashing of that German flight, i wonder why flying isn't automated yet?

Considering how long auto pilot and drones have existed, you'd think they'd have self flying planes pretty much perfected by now.

At the very least, why aren't planes semi automatic in that if they sense the plane being flown into a mountain or building the auto pilot takes over control of the plane?

Wasn't there another one a few years ago where there were hints of a suicidal terrorist pilot pilot doing his thing? Do we wait for a third? Air Asia is another unknown.

Of course every solution brings another problem. While it would be ideal to remotely take over an aircraft that appears to be out of control it presents hackers with the potential of taking over all aircraft and putting them all out of control.
Considering the intentional crashing of that German flight, i wonder why flying isn't automated yet?

Considering how long auto pilot and drones have existed, you'd think they'd have self flying planes pretty much perfected by now.

At the very least, why aren't planes semi automatic in that if they sense the plane being flown into a mountain or building the auto pilot takes over control of the plane?

short answer: Money.
Everything is about cost.
Wasn't there another one a few years ago where there were hints of a suicidal terrorist pilot pilot doing his thing? Do we wait for a third? Air Asia is another unknown.

Of course every solution brings another problem. While it would be ideal to remotely take over an aircraft that appears to be out of control it presents hackers with the potential of taking over all aircraft and putting them all out of control.
Yep, you can't shape human nature. We're always going to do what we're going to do, and that includes terrorism and suicide. So while Conservatives are in full denial about our eternally imperfect humanity, and use their inability to accept reality as an excuse to meddle in others' lives, the fact is that people will continue harm themselves and others. Forever. Nothing can stop it entirely.

So we take reasonable precautions and resign ourselves to some harm. The odd stolen sandwich at work, or the occasional stray rocket from Palestine. And if we're honest honest with ourselves, if we accept the limited perfection of the world, we shrug our shoulders and move on.

Human imperfection is nicely illustrated in this story from the development of self-driving cars (the whole article is a great read).

But this real-world testing taught us something that steered us off that path we’d been on. Even though everyone who signed up for our test swore up and down that they wouldn’t do anything other than pay 100% attention to the road, and knew that they’d be on camera the entire time…people do really stupid things when they’re behind the wheel. They already do stupid things like texting when they’re supposed to be 100% in control…so imagine what happens when they think “the car’s got it covered.” It isn’t pretty. Expecting a person to be a reliable backup for the system was a fallacy. Once people trust the system, they trust it. Our success was itself a failure. We came quickly to the conclusion that we needed to make it clear to ourselves that the human was not a reliable backup — the car had to always be able to handle the situation. And the best way to make that clear was to design a car with no steering wheel — a car that could drive itself all of the time, from point A to point B, at the push of a button.
Read up on false negatives or positives and you'll see why humans don't do as well as machines for quality control.
I wonder if we would still need insurance? I mean computer can fail and accident can happen, so who is to blame?? Not the owner of course.
I wonder if we would still need insurance? I mean computer can fail and accident can happen, so who is to blame?? Not the owner of course.
You don't need insurance to get a metropass. The TTC has the insurance, not the passengers. Same diff. You won't need a license. You won't need to be able-bodies, you won't need to be 16 or over, you won't need to be sober or attentive or clothed. Well, maybe clothed.
Ever see a production machine with hundreds of moving parts spitting out widgets? None of the parts collide, everything works in perfect harmony at lightning speed. Self driving units could achieve that someday. Get in your unit, punch in a location, hit send and you could be in, say Montreal in 45 minutes. Of course, how long would it take before a 45minute ETA becomes unacceptable? Lets see if we can't get it down to 30 minutes, life needs to be more efficient. Think you have ADD now? Anyway, got to run, need to be in Vancouver for dinner and then power lunch tomorrow Peru.
Yep. After driverless cars take over, bikers will end up like equestrians after the horseless carriage took over. We'll have to go to a purpose-build riding facility out in the countryside. Bikes will be ridden on the street only for parades.

And I'm OK with that.

I kinda am too TBH. Unless they have self driving bikes that might be cool.

Why do you guys even have bikes? Just take the bus if you want something to drive for you.
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