Then what? Cops aren't going to do dick anyway and everyone goes full pussy regarding street justice.
Well defamation comes immediately to mind.
Then what? Cops aren't going to do dick anyway and everyone goes full pussy regarding street justice.
Well defamation comes immediately to mind.
And sue them for what? Shirts off their backs? Wouldn't even use them as shop rags
I'd rather see them in court, for the next ten years, than out on the streets and scamming good hearted people.
It's a business decision.. Basically the lawyers would cost a heck of a lot of money that the business will never be able to get back from them. Arrest for fraud is the only thing that would work under these circumstances.
Hey, whatever works. They're predators.
Then what? Cops aren't going to do dick anyway and everyone goes full pussy regarding street justice.
I stopped giving money to people who just sit there and beg. People that actually try to do something, like a guy with an amputated arm playing a guitar I saw over the weekend - no problem. You can see the amount of money the guy makes doing what hes doing but at least hes not waving his 1 arm around begging for money.
For people wondering how he played the guitar? Well... His left arm was cut off at the elbow and he was wearing a ceramic cup over it and somehow playing it. That was impressive.
Another thing, who leaves their wallet in someones car when they go to a party??
I've seen the same beggars begging for money at the same intersections in Vaughan for years... Many holding signs saying that they're hungry/starving while there is a food bank about 20 mins down the road. Riight.. I sure believe their story and many changes of clothes...
The clothes thing reminded me of something. There used to be a guy who sat on the ramp from The Gardiner to Lakeshore east, at Yonge, begging for money while wearing new Jordans and a $400.00 replica JR jacket.
Thank god it was my wife's Jeep.
How thoughtful of you