Saturday May 19th


Active member
Anyone into a ride Saturday morning? Etobicoke here....thought maybe ride up to creemore or collingwood and have lunch then come back hitting the forks/hockley valley along the way. I don't know the best scenic route up there so it would be good if I wasn't leading anything. :)

Fairly new to riding....just second year so not looking for aggressive riding...just a nice saturday out.
i'm going to a bmw rally, south of london ont, that's the abc beemer rally, the forest city chapter of the bmw/moa, all this on the long weekend.
Do you have time and route?

I am up that way alot so I may be interested.
i will be at the spot around 9:30 to grab breakfast .....i am at highway 27 and finch if anyone want to head to timmies together call me 647-967-1668 ......if your at the timmies and see a red CBR 250 ...thats me so please feel free to drop by and say hello.
I'll be at the tim's probably 9:45 or so.....gassed up and ready to head out at 10am. Would be fun to have a good turnout.

Black street triple r.

awesome. weather is going to be great tomorrow.
I am working on Saturday or I would join you. Wave as you ride past Hockley Valley Resort.

On your way back be sure to head south on Airport Road and turn west onto Sideroad 20. Follow that west through Terra Nova where it turns into River Road and continue over to Prince of Wales Road. Turn left there and take that south to where it picks up Highway 10 in Primrose. If you miss the Prince of Wales Road intersection (easy to do), just continue west over to Hornings Mills, where you can hook up with 124 to take you south to Shelburne.

There is another good little addition to your route. As you are heading east towards Creemore, turn left (north) onto Riverside Drive. Take that to Sideroad 15/16 (stop sign), turn left and head to Glen Huron and then turn left again at the next stop sign. Follow that south back down to Dunedin where you can turn left again and rejoin the road to Creemore. This little loop adds about 15 minutes to the ride, but is really worth it.
Great suggestions. Here's the new route with suggested changes

Just an FYI, you've got some unpaved roads on your route (not everyone is comfortable with dirt roads with street bikes, for various reasons). If you're programming a GPS this way, I'd recommend taking Hockley all the way to Airport, and then taking Mono Centre road back to the 10, and stick to River road the whole way through. River road and Princess of Wales are the only roads I'm aware of, in that block, that are paved.

I'm interested in this ride though, and have experience leading, if you need someone to do that.
Hey Newrider .....Are we confirmed for tomorrow 10 PM ? just checking in i doubt i will be able to confirm tonight .....If any changes please text me 647-967-1668
For some reason my iPad keeps on crapping out.
Any objections to a Spyder running the rear? The braking is very effective on my rss.

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