Saturday May 19th

By all means lead away :)

So back to something like this to avoid unpaved roads? Does this look all paved?

Your route is on Sideroad 25 and that puts you too far north and into dirt roads to get back to Prince of Wales. Your route should turn off Airport Road at Sideroad 20 (the next road south), which runs through Terra Nova and then turns into River Road.

Also, Riverside Drive, Sideroad 15/16 to Glen Huron and the road south to Dunedin are all paved. You took that loop out of your route and, believe me, you will want to ride on these roads. The road south from Glen Huron had some pot holes when I rode it last week, but it is paved and you will have no problem avoiding the few bad spots.
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Your route is on Sideroad 25 and that puts you too far north and into dirt roads to get back to Prince of Wales. Your route should turn off Airport Road at Sideroad 20 (the next road south), which runs through Terra Nova and then turns into River Road.

Also, Riverside Drive, Sideroad 15/16 to Glen Huron and the road south to Dunedin are all paved. You took that loop out of your route and, believe me, you will want to ride on these roads. The road south from Glen Huron had some pot holes when I rode it last week, but it is paved and you will have no problem avoiding the few bad spots.
Your 15 min from Collingwood. Come here and i`ll join you for lunch. Then after lunch i`ll take you on a nice route to get you heading south again toward home.

Text me if your coming to Collingwood. (705)888-1725. Name is Corby

Better, but you have missed the point where you leave Sideroad 20 and join River Road. As noted by CFunk, you will figure it out while riding westbound on Sideroad 20 because you will naturally follow the pavement where it turns into River Road and this will take you over to Prince of Wales.
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Your 15 min from Collingwood. Come here and i`ll join you for lunch. Then after lunch i`ll take you on a nice route to get you heading south again toward home.

Text me if your coming to Collingwood. (705)888-1725. Name is Corby

I hate people that do this. But i`m going to be one of those people. I have to bail.
I was asked to stay at work till 9am. And i`m back in at 6pm. So i`m out for this ride.
But if anyone is ever up this way. Give me a shout. Always looking to meet new people.
Have a great weekend. Ride safe.
i'll be there... probably right at 10.
well that was fun, thanks OP for the setup. turns out there were a few stragglers that didn't catch us at 10 but simulated the event themselves anyway.
highlight: the chick riding 2up texting all the way down airport road.
Great turnout of 13 riders. Excellent weather and route to Creemore included many interesting roads with curves. My first ride to Creemore.
Lunch at the old mill restaurant in Creemore made for a will timed break and good conversation.
Ride was lots of fun and glad we were able to find the pave roads.
Thanks Mark for setting up this ride
Thanks Newrider for the ride and meet ....My first ride in a group and it was fun ...Great conversation and tasty onion rings :) lol ......also great people ...Hope we can do this again ....and Thanks for the unpaved roads as well lol my bikes first unpaved road.....
Thanks all who came. Sorry we missed those stragglers. Next time! Nice meeting everyone, great weather and only a couple of wrong turns! :)

Have to do it again for sure.
Agreed, it was a great ride. Thanks to all that showed. Looking forward tot he next.
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