Safety first! Helmets should be compulsory for everyone. Accidents do not happen on the basis of religion.

I want an exemption from paying taxes due to my religious you think it will fly ?
If you have Native status it does.

I deal with something similar to this on occasion, I work in automotive sales and we sometimes get clients that insist we provide 0% financing because it goes against their religion to pay interest.
If you have Native status it does.

I deal with something similar to this on occasion, I work in automotive sales and we sometimes get clients that insist we provide 0% financing because it goes against their religion to pay interest.
I know what group that is, I hope they were told go take a hike.
You should care. Nobody should have special privileges based on religion. Does this have any bearing on insurance or OHIP?

Their Insurance premiums should go up considerably to reflect the fact that they are a 'High Risk' rider...

It's not just their life they are risking... if they take a stone to the head/face (say.... following a gravel truck), they go down and cause a serious multi vehicle crash with injuries/fatalities.

Riders who do not wear head protection not only put their own lives in greater danger, but also put the lives of Innocent people at risk. I'm very surprised the DoFo Gvmt. allowed the Sikh community to go lidless...
Ford is buying votes. Same goes for the buck a beer.
'The Leipzig court argued that the obligation to wear a helmet not only protects the driver but also keeps other drivers from being traumatized if they cause heavy injury to someone driving without a helmet.'

(Or.... other innocent peeps)

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It will be interesting to see if someone sues the estate of a non-helmeted motorcyclist for the mental anguish of having killed them.
Not likely that would be possible - if you could sue for things like that people would be running over J-walking pedestrians just to claim the mental anguish benefit.
Just a heads up. If you are unfortunate enough to be present when someone on two wheels gets run over by a truck, and there are other people present to render assistance, let them. It's very difficult to unsee the damage to a human.
Just a heads up. If you are unfortunate enough to be present when someone on two wheels gets run over by a truck, and there are other people present to render assistance, let them. It's very difficult to unsee the damage to a human.
I'll second that. Even worse when you have to find two blankets to respectfully coverup a resting rider.
It wasn't a two wheel incident, but a suicide when a guy stopped his car on the 410 bridge and jumped over onto the 401 (It's really high). For my luck I had good brakes and managed not to run over him. He was still alive. The blood coming out of his head is a sight I can't unsee to this day. We did try to keep him alive, but succumbed to his injury and he died right in front of me. ****** me up for a little while.

Take Wingboys advice...
Just a heads up. If you are unfortunate enough to be present when someone on two wheels gets run over by a truck, and there are other people present to render assistance, let them. It's very difficult to unsee the damage to a human.

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As others have said, who cares what others do.
People need to mind their own business.

Let the insurance companies argue over the health care/coverage stuff. They ultimately control everything we do anyways.

If insurance companies wanna put helmet clauses into their policies, then so be it.
Maybe mentioned before but I have not read whole thread. Religious exemptions are not new. I am passing Mennonites on backroads around here all the time that are not wearing seat belts in their horse and buggy, babies in the lap rather than buckled car seat in the buggy, child under 16 operating horse drawn flatbed trailer thing on country road even. My suspicioun is that the Mennonite buggies are being operated without a drivers license and insurance even. If someone wants to ride with a turban instead of a helmet, does not bother me. Would not be surprised if a turban and big hair would protect as well as some ot these "beanie" helmets that seem so popular. Myself I always wear fullface helmet, got two, expensive ones, but that is my personal choice.
Maybe mentioned before but I have not read whole thread. Religious exemptions are not new. I am passing Mennonites on backroads around here all the time that are not wearing seat belts in their horse and buggy, babies in the lap rather than buckled car seat in the buggy, child under 16 operating horse drawn flatbed trailer thing on country road even. My suspicioun is that the Mennonite buggies are being operated without a drivers license and insurance even. If someone wants to ride with a turban instead of a helmet, does not bother me. Would not be surprised if a turban and big hair would protect as well as some ot these "beanie" helmets that seem so popular.
We just had a bad accident up here. 84 year old minivan driver hit a buggy. One of the children was ejected but is ok. They are famous for safety violations on farms and in factories. It's just God's will. Pffft.
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