Safety first! Helmets should be compulsory for everyone. Accidents do not happen on the basis of religion.

What is the leading cause of death in an automobile accident, is it still head injury?
If yes there is still a strong case for compulsory crash helmet wear in automobiles.
What is the leading cause of death in an automobile accident, is it still head injury?
If yes there is still a strong case for compulsory crash helmet wear in automobiles.
If you're ever bored, throw a full face helmet on and go for a drive. It is pretty damned hilarious. When people notice, they give you a lot of space as they figure you are about to do something reallynreally dumb.
"nobody should have special privileges based on religion"
.....but wearing a helmet is not a detriment
Politics and religion. This thread is doomed.
It could be viewed as a slippery slope when you make changes based on religion. I’m okay with catering to specific groups when it’s a small issue with minimal impact on others. Just my opinion and I respect that others might not agree though.

Try to walk into a courtroom with a knife on your belt and see how far you get.
If you're ever bored, throw a full face helmet on and go for a drive. It is pretty damned hilarious. When people notice, they give you a lot of space as they figure you are about to do something reallynreally dumb.

It's also illegal AFAIK
Politics and religion. This thread is doomed.

Lulz. If you want to start a 10-page heated debate just start talking about helmet laws for motorcycles. A lot of bikers hate that law and anyone who supports it. Give someone special status because of religion and the whole thing goes in "diverse" directions.
I can't find anything in the books. Can only comment from personal shenanigans + cops.
the insurance companies care about motorcycles
enough to price it so that it has nearly wiped out supersport bikes off the streets
their intended goal since we were unable to control ourselves despite the 50 over stunting law that came into effect many years ago
yes, many re-entry and older riders as stated previously and their heavy cruisers hit the deck as well
so yes, motorcycling is dangerous and allowing riders to not wear a helmet seems like a step in the wrong direction
will the next elected provincial government toss this law aside for the greater good?
will the next elected provincial government toss this law aside for the greater good?
I hope so. Personally I would never, have never ridden my bikes in without proper shows/boots, pants, gloves and a helmet. That said, I prefer the freedom of choice -- nanny has enough to worry about, leave the personal safety choices to me.
"nobody should have special privileges based on religion"
.....but wearing a helmet is not a detriment
Thats true but its not the point. The rest of us are forced to follow the helmet law that has been in place forever. We are forced to spent money on a helmet.
First its helmets, then its XYZ and then its mandatory prayer rooms and breaks during the work day for another group.
Many place have to have multi faith rooms and allow for prayer breaks already.
I didnt know it was law. Soon it will be banks must provide a person with a specific religious background interest free loans and mortgages because interest is forbidden in their religion. I know a couple who can never buy a house for this reason.
Many place have to have multi faith rooms and allow for prayer breaks already.
I think a lot of companies and or office buildings provide non-denominational prayer rooms/spaces as part of their diversity and inclusivity efforts -- it's just good business. Staff use these on their own time, either lunch or breaks.
nobody should be treated special based on the religion
Like Catholic Schools? Fair or not. Those who have the votes write the law. Golden Rule #1
nobody should be treated special based on the religion
Like Catholic Schools? Fair or not. Those who have the votes write the law. Golden Rule #1

Since becoming funded by the government, you do not need to be catholic to attend a catholic school.

Completely agree with your golden rule. The fact remains this law is unfair and exclusionary.
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