Running.. ugghh

Aren't u 19-20?
When I was your age, I played ball for 4hrs straight and torturing myself. You make me feel old :rolleyes:

LOL yea! 19-20 was the peak of my martial arts training career and I was doing all kinds of crazy crap barefoot back then.

Have you seen a doctor or something about those back issues you're having, knowledge? Cuz's just gonna get more painful from here onwards. :p
I think it really depends on your foot shape and arch. I got put into New Balance shoes and they just don't work with my wide heels. Shoes are fine, but they're not for my foot type. It's like skates I suppose..doesn't matter which brand as long as they fit well.

Absolutely. It wasn't by accident that i wrote "and the right shoes for you" ;)
Aren't u 19-20?
When I was your age, I played ball for 4hrs straight and torturing myself. You make me feel old :rolleyes:

LOL yea! 19-20 was the peak of my martial arts training career and I was doing all kinds of crazy crap barefoot back then.

Have you seen a doctor or something about those back issues you're having, knowledge? Cuz's just gonna get more painful from here onwards. :p
I still do cardio, cycle, box, etc...I just can't run on hard concrete any more. I gotta use the treadmill. Insoles will probably add another couple of kms before the pain kicks in, but I can't justify paying for them right now. Maybe next spring

But on a related topic, CN Tower climb's coming up! Any of you guys gonna do it?
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But on a related topic, CN Tower climb's coming up! Any of you guys gonna do it?

You know, I've thought about it but frankly, I'm just too fat! :-) My knees are a bit tempermental these days and right now they're doing well and I don't want to mess it up! If I were 15lbs lighter maybe...
I still do cardio, cycle, box, etc...I just can't run on hard concrete any more. I gotta use the treadmill. Insoles will probably add another couple of kms before the pain kicks in, but I can't justify paying for them right now. Maybe next spring

But on a related topic, CN Tower climb's coming up! Any of you guys gonna do it?

Doesn't it smell when all that ppl is stuffed in an enclosed area, sweating??
But on a related topic, CN Tower climb's coming up! Any of you guys gonna do it?

I remember doing this a few years ago. It was 2 days after a particularly intense leg day and my legs were absolutely wrecked. I was hobbling around with a serious case of DOMS but still managed to do it in like 21 minutes or something. I swore to never do that again haha.
CN Tower climb aint nothin! I did the Grouse Grind when i was out in Vancouver, THAT was a killer workout. 2.4km long trail that climbs 2799 feet. Took me about 50 minutes.
CN Tower climb aint nothin! I did the Grouse Grind when i was out in Vancouver, THAT was a killer workout. 2.4km long trail that climbs 2799 feet. Took me about 50 minutes.

My friend sent me pics of looks awesome! I hiked diamond head crater in honolulu and that was pretty f'in spectacular too. You get to climb through ww2 bunkers and stuff.
Yeah, I imagine it's gonna smell pretty bad.

You know, I've thought about it but frankly, I'm just too fat! :-) My knees are a bit tempermental these days and right now they're doing well and I don't want to mess it up! If I were 15lbs lighter maybe...
Speaking of wrecked knees (pause), thanks again for all the fixie help. I owe you about 5 million beers - let me know if you change your mind and decide to do it. I'm saying go for it. Do you really want to look back 10 years from now and regret that time when you could've ruined your knees, but chose not to? :p

I remember doing this a few years ago. It was 2 days after a particularly intense leg day and my legs were absolutely wrecked. I was hobbling around with a serious case of DOMS but still managed to do it in like 21 minutes or something. I swore to never do that again haha.
The friend I'm going with had to stop halfway and then threw up the one and only cookie she had for breakfast last year, apparently (LOL). It should be fun. Ironically enough, her time was 21-something, too. Also, I looked up "DOMS" and the urbandictionary entry made me lol

CN Tower climb aint nothin! I did the Grouse Grind when i was out in Vancouver, THAT was a killer workout. 2.4km long trail that climbs 2799 feet. Took me about 50 minutes.
Just googled it and it looks amazing. Do you mind if we also make this thread a place to post up about events like those? I only found out about the Warrior Dash this year, and I wish I knew about it earlier. It's funny how I've come full-circle with this fitness thing. For the longest time, I didn't want to do anything active because I was trying to put on weight...
Just googled it and it looks amazing. Do you mind if we also make this thread a place to post up about events like those? I only found out about the Warrior Dash this year, and I wish I knew about it earlier. It's funny how I've come full-circle with this fitness thing. For the longest time, I didn't want to do anything active because I was trying to put on weight...

I don't mind at all. I started talking about cycling a while back so let's make this a "cardio thread"
The friend I'm going with had to stop halfway and then threw up the one and only cookie she had for breakfast last year, apparently (LOL). It should be fun. Ironically enough, her time was 21-something, too. Also, I looked up "DOMS" and the urbandictionary entry made me lol

Just to be clear, this was the definition I was going for ;)

Drunk Open Mouth Syndrom: A case in which a person becomes so plastered that they feel the need to take numerous pictures with their hands in the air and their mouth wide open, as if in mid scream. Pictures posted on facebook with such an expression are identified immediately as "blackout nights".

brap went for a treadmill run this morning... nothing to exciting... but then again at 4:30am wtf is that exciting?
Did the 5k at Scotia and was able to finish it in just over 22 minutes. I was expecting to run it in about 23-24 minutes, so I was pretty happy with that for not training at all. It just gives me the motivation to actually train for it to see if I can get it under 20 minutes by next year. I think that by training for another 1/2 marathon, the speed workouts in those runs will really help my 5k times.

I got dusted by some kid who was about 10 years old just as I was was approaching the finish line. I tried to catch him, but he was fast and I was gassed....
Well, I got around to running that 5k. About what I expected ( 20:48 ). Went out too hard and faded pretty badly in the last 2k (4:19, 4:23). The effort felt good (ie I was spent at the end). I have a lot of work to do if I want to break 19 by spring. 19:30 may be more realistic. If I could only get some consistent running going in the next six months I'll be happy. The times will come eventually.
The sun is coming out at last, I should get some running done. Today look like a nice day

I saw a few apps for android where u can track distance and progress. Really interested tool, better than having a GPS watch
My old Asics are almost worn out but I think they have a bit more left in em. I think i'll head out this aft for a 7 or 8km run.

I recently bought another set of shoes but I got the wrong size, and they were sale items so i cant return or exchange them (thanks a lot Running Room). If anyone wants some cheap shoes I can hook ya up. Size 11.5. Still almost new, only about 25km on them.
Went for a run yesterday. Just a 20min run.
I felt like if someone is gonna jump me and rape me from behind. Its getting dark too quick
Went for a run yesterday. Just a 20min run.
I felt like if someone is gonna jump me and rape me from behind. Its getting dark too quick

I went out for a run last week a bit later. Ended up running down the cycling paths along the Thames River when it was fully dark out. After my eyes adjusted it was sorta neat running just with moon light. But ya my imagination was going nuts. Zombies and boogiemen!
I started 10k training this week.

Since I hate the cold this will be done almost entirely on a treadmill. First 10K I'll have done while training on a treadmill. Only one long run outside each week since I can do it on a weekend and not during the dark.

Should be interesting.

Resolution Run - January 1st 2012!
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