Yeah i had to keep an eye on it because i knew it sold out fast but didn't imagine it would sell out that fast.Nooo... My wife was going to sign up for the Muskoka half and I don't think she did yet... I don't think I'll ever do those because I don't really like to exercise for longer than 2 hrs at a time.
Muskoka is a great course but hilly for sure. She's done it before and if you put the time in you will enjoy yourself. She's not fast at all either, but consistent and mentally tough and had a great time. 6 months is perfect to train for it and if you ever need any tips or advice I'm sure she would be happy to answer any questions to make it a better experience for you.
As spectators we do our own Ironman - we bring a 60 of vodka, a bunch of smoke and food and cheer all day.
For my wife and kids i can't really expect them to wait around for more than a Sprint distance lol. The welland location was nice as there were seats/stands for them.
I'll probably take you/her up on the questions, i think it'll be mostly about the Muskoka course,
The book i'll probably try to get as an audiobook, itll be a breeze to listen to it while riding on my boring long rides lol
Honestly even if you THINK you're doing great, often times youre not lol.My father in law would still be alive if he took better care of himself. Dead at 52 from a heart attack. There were gout issues and I'm sure he wasn't as healthy as he let on.
His father died early 40s...heart #1 at 45 (heart attack) #2 at 55 (heart attack) #3 at 56 (heart attack)...there's one brother remaining and he's early 60s so he's on borrowed time.
That extra cookie... those extra chips, etc etc they add up. And they come to destroy all the efforts you make to keep in shape.
I barely lost any weight this year even though i was working out every single day. Food intake has a huge part to take into it..but imagine if i wasn't working out lol