Running from police.

I don't know...the biggest reason for me keeping the 250 is because I know that I can't run. Knowing that I can't run means that I have to face consequences if I get caught.

If I upgrade, I'm afraid I'll lose my license or be forced to run.

I'd say that the law's working. I'm not a fan of it...but it's working.
.......Its amazing how much effort the province puts into battleing sport bike riders and yet we have a huge drug and immagration issues.

In closing if you stop you pay the price. if you crash you pay the price. .....

Well immigration issues never killed anyone, and most drugs aren't worse than alcohol.

Also if you crash you might kill others and anyway I don't want to pay your medical.
Well immigration issues never killed anyone, and most drugs aren't worse than alcohol.

Also if you crash you might kill others and anyway I don't want to pay your medical.

I would have to disagree with you on the first point.
Drugs cause so much more misery than a few running sport bike guys...
Have you been to east Hastings in Vancouver? You tell me that the desperation there is worse than some SS guy smashing his brains out on a guardrail.
Someone doesn't have to die for their life to be misery. The only people that benefit from hardcore drug use are the dudes at the top getting rich with filthy money.
I would rather see the money thrown at the drug issue than chasing the sport bike crowd. Drugs cause many broken homes, put people in a spot they will never crawl out of, kill people either through the drug itself or the thugs that make their money with it and is a huge monetary drain on our society with all the programs that are put out there to help them get out of it... And most just relapse.
MADD is an organization I do not support.
I'm 100% totally against drunk driving, and if I've had more than a drink, I won't drive for a few hours (depending on how many I've had obviously). But with the way MADD is going about it, I won't support them.
So when are we riding to Queen's Park to protest HTA 172? Do people even care that this law is fundamentally flawed?
So when are we riding to Queen's Park to protest HTA 172? Do people even care that this law is fundamentally flawed?

Agreed. And yes, a lot of people agree.

I'm 100% totally against drunk driving, and if I've had more than a drink, I won't drive for a few hours (depending on how many I've had obviously). But with the way MADD is going about it, I won't support them.


So when are we riding to Queen's Park to protest HTA 172? Do people even care that this law is fundamentally flawed?

Never, protesting doesnt do anything, what you need is a good representative plaintiff, of which no one on the board, including myself, is.
I would rather see the money thrown at the drug issue than chasing the sport bike crowd. Drugs cause many broken homes, put people in a spot they will never crawl out of, kill people either through the drug itself or the thugs that make their money with it and is a huge monetary drain on our society with all the programs that are put out there to help them get out of it... And most just relapse.

That's a ridiculous assertion. So you think 'our society' is just pissing money away trying to HELP people who are addicted to drugs? Nice try.

Our government is obsessed with the idea of drug enforcement, not addict assistance. If we spent near as much money in harm reduction and recovery options for people with addictions as we do on drug enforcement and subsequent prison confinment, we would be worlds ahead of where we are now. Just sayin......
That's a ridiculous assertion. So you think 'our society' is just pissing money away trying to HELP people who are addicted to drugs? Nice try.

Our government is obsessed with the idea of drug enforcement, not addict assistance. If we spent near as much money in harm reduction and recovery options for people with addictions as we do on drug enforcement and subsequent prison confinment, we would be worlds ahead of where we are now. Just sayin......

I never said they don't need the help, or that we shouldn't help them. All I'm saying, is it's more of a strain on the general population than a couple dudes out having fun on their bikes. Very rarely does someone on a bike running kill an innocent person. If they do kill anyone, it's most likely themselves (and I have no remorse for that).

I've personally picked up a few people in the middle of an OD and looked after them until we hit the hospital, so don't you dare think that I don't care to help people that are having some sort of drug related life crisis.
I grew up in a house with pot being grown in the garage. I showed up to my home after school one day to SWAT and the drug team having my house surrounded and in the process of being searched. I think I have seen enough of what drugs do to people and homes to be able to comment about it.
Decriminalize all drugs. Stop making criminals out of citizens.
Never, protesting doesnt do anything, what you need is a good representative plaintiff, of which no one on the board, including myself, is.

Well it might do some good, if it was followed up with some actual political action, but no one would show up for the protest. Ask me how I know.
Well it might do some good, if it was followed up with some actual political action, but no one would show up for the protest. Ask me how I know.

Because its not on Facebook. Duh. Activism is easy when you can participate without getting up off your couch. Of course that type of activism doesn't accomplish anything.....

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