Hello everyone,
I was referred to this topic through a forum member and would like to simply extend an opportunity to utilize PlastiDip. DipYourCar.com stocks all colors of PlastDip, in large and small quantities. We have step by step instructional pieces on how to use it for automotive projects - and are extremely responsive to consumer emails and questions. You can save big time and anyone that wants it shipped to Canada can simply email me and it will ship out the next day via UPS. If anyone has any questions on PlastiDip, or how to use it - please feel free to shoot me an email - Fonzie@dipyourcar.com
Thanks - and pretty awesome pics Splash -
I was referred to this topic through a forum member and would like to simply extend an opportunity to utilize PlastiDip. DipYourCar.com stocks all colors of PlastDip, in large and small quantities. We have step by step instructional pieces on how to use it for automotive projects - and are extremely responsive to consumer emails and questions. You can save big time and anyone that wants it shipped to Canada can simply email me and it will ship out the next day via UPS. If anyone has any questions on PlastiDip, or how to use it - please feel free to shoot me an email - Fonzie@dipyourcar.com
Thanks - and pretty awesome pics Splash -