RIP Steve Jobs

I'm still not feeling the shock.

He will be missed.
he changed the very face of music distribution and helped make products that millions around the world would stand in line and buy for months.
he changed the very face of music distribution and helped make products that millions around the world would stand in line and buy for months.

He created modern day smartphones and tablets, too. iPhone and iPad truly were revolutionary products.
Very sad. He changed the industry. RIP
Oh crap it is true...that sucks big time.
I'm typing this on a Macbook, and have my iphone sitting on top of my ipad beside it. All products that I genuinely love through and through, and all products traceable directly to Steve Jobs' ideas. Regardless of whether you like Apple products or not, Steve's vision has brought our interaction with technology to where we are today.

RIP Steve Jobs
Well, I did my grad studies and thesis on an iMac, had an iPhone for a while...switched to Android about 1 1/2 years ago and I'll never look back... But Steve Jobs was a true pioneer, and Apple or not, we still use and will always use his inventions (e.g. mouse, delight from pixar movies, etc..)!

Rest in piece, Steve Jobs!

In terms of motorcycling, I know friends are really enjoying the Dynolicious app on their iPhones...throwing this in so that we stay thematically on topic!
Since I view GTAM with my MacBook Pro, this is a fitting tribute. Gone but never forgotten.
I really apologize, I really didn't see that thread. Had I seen it, I wouldn't have started a new one. Steve Jobs can use a double thread though, he was brilliant, true inspiration to many!

This double thread post is unforgivable and punishable by ban. :D
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