whats the deal with people that refuse to turn right at an intersection, until both lanes are clear ?
or people that dont use the merge lane for the same purpose when one is there ? thats always annoyed me.
another one that bothers me, is 2 lanes up a hill. sign says Keep right, unless to pass but morons just drive the same speed as the dude in the right
I could add...
Why do people make right turns into the left lane?
Why do people make right turns FROM the left lane (like all the time!)?
Why do people not use their turn signals at all?
Why do people try to race me at lights and then practically ram my car when I keep up with them and then they can't get in because of a parked car (I stop and wait for an opening if the same thing happens to me)?
Why don't people use their mirrors?
Why don't people stay in their lanes?
Why are some people half way through an intersection before the light even turns green?
Why do people insist on forcing their way in front of me and then driving below the speed limit?
Why do people (including buses, street cars, and police) intentionally run red lights?
Why do people make rights on red when there is obviously traffic coming?
Why don't people know how to use the Vaughan/St Clair intersection properly (they turn behind other cars waiting to turn instead of in front of them, messes up the whole system if there is a line of cars on either side)?
Why do people pull over in the live lane when there are parked cars instead of looking for a proper place to pull over?
Why do people (especially cabs) make long 3 point or u-turns in heavy traffic instead of finding a side street, parking lot, or appropriate intersection to turn around in?
Why do people create massive safety hazards cutting across the median to get to the exit they missed instead of just taking the next one?
I see ****** driving on every commute. I wish I had the ability to give out tickets. No one would get a speeding ticket from me but all that other bull would clear out a ticket book within a few days.