Riding season planning 2016

Actually I am considering doing the RAP on a regular weekend with a start and finish in Toronto. The key would be to start Friday afterwork (3:00pm for me). Backroads can be picked up just north of the Metro zoo. Saturday and Sunday would be 12hr days. Tough but doable I think.

But you're planning a gravel / pavement route for a weekend? An all off-road weekend would take longer than just the weekend itself.
The route would have to be mixture of everything, but the trail portion could still be substantial. Obviously the faster trails would have to be chosen. Only one way to find out though!

Chase and myself did part of the TCAT between Capreol and North Bay last July... in that area it is an old rail trail that consists of slag for a base which is very hard on tires. It was a good run... backroads to Tobermory, camped on Manitoulin, rail trail to Espanola, logging roads to Ramsey, back logging roads over and down to Capreol, Rail trail 1/2 way to North Bay until we ran out of light, Nipissing Trail down to the Park to Park, Park to Park to the 400, some exploring of some crown land and home.

I'd be interested in the Calabogie to North Bay run with my DRZ... especially if I could get a spot on that trailer!

Well hello people.... Just catching up on the threads. I have been out of commission. Uh the TCAT around North Bay absolutely destroys tires. The slag is crazy.

Mike you forgot to mention how QUICKLY we did that....... Last time I'm doing a 18-20 hour day riding! :P
Well hello people.... Just catching up on the threads. I have been out of commission. Uh the TCAT around North Bay absolutely destroys tires. The slag is crazy.

Mike you forgot to mention how QUICKLY we did that....... Last time I'm doing a 18-20 hour day riding! :P

Good to know about the slag! My inlaws live in Coniston - just outside of Sudbury. There is a really big and unmonitored area with slag near where an old smelter used to be. I've wanted to ride a bike there for some time. It seemed like a bad idea to me..and now I know that it is. Did you guys get many flats?
Good to know about the slag! My inlaws live in Coniston - just outside of Sudbury. There is a really big and unmonitored area with slag near where an old smelter used to be. I've wanted to ride a bike there for some time. It seemed like a bad idea to me..and now I know that it is. Did you guys get many flats?

We didn't, but we were lucky. The guy who's track I was following got two flats riding in slag, and basically wore out a brand new kenda trakmaster in a couple hundred km.

I was on a DRZ with trakmasters, the rear about 70% new when I left on the trip, replaced it when I got back.
Chase was on a KTM 690... and I can't remember if he had his heidenaus on at that time; he went through a lot of tires on that bike.
Mefo makes some tires that are excellent at resisting rock cuts and tears, pricey though.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
You wont need extra tires on the new bike Nam, just perhaps extra tubes...

So how many sets of tires should we carry with us for the TCAT?
When do most of you guys start riding the trails again? Would it depend on temperature and when all the snow melts?
Nam, I start riding as soon as possible, yes depending on weather and wetness on trails.

When do most of you guys start riding the trails again? Would it depend on temperature and when all the snow melts?
So I just bought myself a KTM 530 EXC just because you have the same bike, you know, in case I need spare parts. :agave:
Woo hoo! Congratulations! They are one hell of a bike. Pro tip : keep the battery well charged, they can be a bastard to kick start.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
It's about time grasshopper - congrats.

So I just bought myself a KTM 530 EXC just because you have the same bike, you know, in case I need spare parts. :agave:
Now get ready for the Dacre and Roaming Rally with a bit of Bethany first :)

It's about time grasshopper - congrats.
I think he can handle it - he's actually quite good off road and that's with his cb500x Frankenstein thingy - I'm looking forward to seeing rock out on a proper bike :)
I think he can handle it - he's actually quite good off road and that's with his cb500x Frankenstein thingy - I'm looking forward to seeing rock out on a proper bike :)
It is not a Frankenstein thingy, my CB500X is stock with dual sport tires. I might still bring it once in a while depending on where we go and who is going.
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